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An Integrated European Model to Protect MEDiterranean Forests from Fire (PROTECT)
Start date: Jun 30, 2009, End date: Jun 29, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the project is to develop and transfer, through common approach at transnational level, an integrated model for the prevention of forest fires. Focus will be placed on the prevention phase fundamental for environmental, economic, cultural and social sustainability. In particular, 3 thematic areas will be dealt with to ensure an integrated and effective model: 1) The development of shared methods and techniques for risk mapping, assessment and monitoring, by integrating new elements/risks not taken into consideration in existing risk models and prevention plans, e.g. characteristics of the forest, vulnerability of the territory, and climate change; 2) An economic and eco- compatible sustainable model for forest maintenance incl. the valorisation of biomass; 3) Information and training activities for responsible environmental behaviour in risk areas and/or in risk situations. 3 action phases will be carried out to guarantee concrete results which can be transferred to each partner/territory: Exchange of information and joint development of methods and instruments; transfer and concertation; pilot implementation, adoption and mainstreaming of the methods and tools developed. The partnership is made up of 9 organisations composed of 6 territorial partners from IT, ES, GR, HR, PT, CY and 3 universities from IT, PT and FR. This will guarantee a wide territorial test base and methods and techniques which can be successfully applied in many countries. Achievements: State of the art of project implementation since the project startThe aim of the project is to develop and transfer, through common approach at transnational level, an integrated model for the prevention of forest fires. 3 action phases have been planned: In a 1st phase information exchange has been done to share practices and knowledge of the partner countries' different systems, competencies, plans and techniques. Subsequently, 3 transnational Working Groups (WGs) have been established. Each WG analysed and developped methods, strategies and techniques, with the help of the universities, regarding the 3 thematic areas which will subsequently be developed into a COMMON INTEGRATED MODEL. In a 2nd phase a territorial concertation and adoption process along with the drawing up of prevention/action plans and executive projects, based on the outcome of the development phase, has been realized in each partner territory. In a 3rd phase pilot implementation and mainstreaming activities have been realised through seminars, simulation exercises etc.Latest project activities and outputsDuring the final reporting period the PPs focused on the finalization of some of the output of the project, such as the final translation of the Common Model, and on the implementation of the new capitalization activity. The main outputs and results of this phase are the following: 1. Production of the final translated version of the Common Model and adaption of the model for the Final Publication and to the DVD produced in 1000 copies 2. Organization of the Final European dissemination Conference in Bruxelles (10.10.12) 3. Capitalization of the project results with partners from other EU funded projects 4. Communication, mostly via web.Next key steps for the projectThe 7th was the last reporting period and now all of the planned activities have been completed. There are still few further activities that may continue after the end of the project: 1. The software for risk mapping will keep on working and producing its results daily. Moreover the University of Camerino will allow new territories to test the software. 2. The capitalization activity in collaboration with the other EU funded project involved in the Final European Dissemination Conference.
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  • 76.7%   1 235 365,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Programme MED
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

8 Partners Participants