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Background Eleonora’s falcon (Falco eleonorae) is a migratory falcon breeding in the Mediterranean (Algeria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey) and Atlantic islands off the northwest coast of Africa (Canary Islands, Morocco). The global population size is estimated at around 15 000 breeding pairs, with the vast majority – 12 36...
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School education is the most important educational period when students create learning mechanisms, construct knowledge and develop basic skills and acquisition methods. The quality and the effectiveness of school education is of strategic importance in all countries and a top priority in the EU agenda. Science school education is of strategic importance for the development, the economy and the so...
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WeAreEurope – Creating a Cohesive Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

“2013 has been designated the ‘European Year of Citizens’. It marks the twentieth anniversary of the entry into force of the Maastricht Treaty, which first introduced European Union citizenship into the Treaties. In the midst of the socio economic crisis that Europe finds itself in and in the face of solid trends of declining support for the European integration process and of a resurgence of divi...
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E-Learning Interactive Open School

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Imagine Europe without educational borders. Imagine Europe joining different educational systems but keeping their individuality. Think of different cultures, different philosophies, and different histories joined under a common vision of a prosperous future for all European citizens. Education is the key and of course we have to provide and ensure all conditions leading to this goal. But, what ab...
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This is a project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries. Please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Background Litter is a major problem for the marine environment, with plastic bags being one of the most common and persistent pollutants affecting coasts and waters. Each year, more than eight million plastic bags end up as litter in the EU. Current recycling rates are only 6.6%, which are difficult to increase because the thinness and lightness of plast...
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Virtual Reality for STEM Entrepreneurship Training

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

STEM sector and ICT industry are demonstrating great growth and the interest of youth people to study STEM, their entrepreneurship skills and spirit has become of strategic importance for the economy and the society of all countries. Demand for STEM professionals is expected to grow by 13% till 2025, while the average growth forecast for all occupations is expected to be around 3%. In addition to ...
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NoTremor aims to provide patient specific computational models of the coupled brain and neuromuscular systems that will be subsequently used to improve the quality of analysis, correlation (of novel and established indicators) and progression of Parkinson's disease. In particular, it aspires to establish the neglected link between brain modelling and neuromuscular systems that will result in a hol...
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Videogames are one of the most relevant creative industries in Europe - encompassing almost 100,000 individuals – with countries like UK, France and Finland representing the excellence in game development internationally. The market is very interesting, but very competitive too, with an increasing demand of games that are bigger, better and with more realistic computer graphics.Such qualitative a...
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Forging Online Education through FIRE (FORGE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

Forging Online Education through FIRE (FORGE) is a project proposal bringing the FIRE and eLearning worlds together. FORGE will align FIRE with the ongoing education revolution for mutual benefit. In particular, this project is concerned with specifying development methodologies and best practices for offering FIRE experimentation facilities to learners and to the learning community in general, re...
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New methods and tools for the design of production systems should be used in order to provide advanced services to the industry shop-floor personnel in terms of ergonomics, safety, efficiency, complexity management and work satisfaction. In the field of planning and verifying human-centred assembly workplaces, available simulation and sensor technologies should be further improved. In many cases,...
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Be Yourself Proof Yourself

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

21th century children face family problems(such as divorced parents,inadequate communication and unemployment of their parents)and social problems(low living standarts,environment,violence,aggression and discrimination) Some of these pupils wander in the streets aimlessly,go to shopping centres,internet cafes to spend their time after and during school hours.They are unaware of their responsibilit...
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Europeana Cloud: Unlocking Europe's Research via The Cloud (eCloud)

Start date: Feb 1, 2013, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

Europeana Cloud is a Best Practice Network, submitted under Objective 2.1.a and coordinated by the Europeana Foundation, designed to establish a cloud-based system for Europeana and its aggregators. Europeana Cloud will provide new content, new metadata, a new linked storage system, new tools and services for researchers and a new platform - Europeana Research. Content providers and aggregators, a...
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The number of sensors and the amount of data gathered on the factory floor constantly increases. This opens the vision of truly connected production processes where information is exchanged seamlessly and in real time between humans, machines and the produced goods.However, it is a long way before the huge amount of information gathered and generated in separate disconnected sub-systems is present...
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The main aim of ManuSkills is to study the use of enhanced ICT-based technologies and training methodologies to facilitate an increase of young talent interest in manufacturing and to support their training of new manufacturing skills.The project will experiment with a wide range of innovative delivery mechanisms such as serious games and teaching factory, supported by the use of social media augm...
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Project in brief The rapid pace of urbanization in the Mediterranean area over the last decades have raised a series of issues mostly related to air quality, energy efficiency, waste recycling, pressure on natural resources, pollution and social welfare of urban inhabitants. While cities population will continue to grow in the next years, it is of fundamental importance to ensure the transition fr...
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Current digital manufacturing ICT platforms have provided a series of tools, including CAx, PDM and PLM systems, to support engineers in a series of collaborative activities, allowing them to communicate as well as to design and validate the manufacturing processes.However, they still have a long way to go for effectively addressing engineering knowledge management issues:- Today's ERP systems are...
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Traffic demand is increasing dramatically, year on year, with typical growth figures of up to 60% for Internet based traffic. Such traffic increase is impacting on both network costs and power consumption. Moreover, traffic is not only increasing but becoming much more dynamic, both in time and direction. For these reasons, transport network evolution from current DWDM systems towards elastic opti...
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Access to cultural heritage networks for Europeana (AthenaPlus)

Start date: Mar 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

AthenaPlus will build on the successful experience developed by the previous ATHENA project – where LIDO and the ATHENA Ingestion Server and Mapping Tool (MINT), widely used across the Europeana's ecosystem of projects including the ongoing Linked Heritage project were developed, in order to further advance and complete the effective infrastructure and tools developed to support museums and other ...
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Background Agro-industries are major contributors to industrial pollution and Cyprus is no exception to the rule. These industries, which process agricultural raw materials such as milk, fruits, vegetables and meat, generate millions of tonnes of waste and unexploited by-products that end up harming the environment. The production of milk and dairy produ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

The main axes of the Erasmus+ mobility actions are implemented by the University of Patras (UP) academic/administrative staff within certain activities based on fundamental principles and followed by sufficiently oriented procedure. I) Certain activities i. Incoming students & Bilateral Agreements ii. European Networks & Associations iii. Erasmus Mundus Programme iv. Traineeship outgoing students...
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Description Infiltration of intelligent and cooperative robotic systems in European production facilities X-act aims to increase the infiltration of intelligent and cooperative robotic systems in European, “robot resistant” production facilities. The project proposes the enhancement of dual arm ro...
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Future Internet Social and Technological Alignment Research (FI-STAR)

Start date: Apr 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

FI-STAR will establish early trials in the Health Care domain building on Future Internet (FI) technology leveraging on the outcomes of FI-PPP Phase 1. It will become self-sufficient after the end of the project and will continue on a sustainable business model by several partners. In order to meet the requirements of a global Health industry FI-STAR will use a fundamentally different, "reverse" c...
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RLW Navigator aims to develop an innovative Process Navigator to configure, integrate, test and validate applications of Remote Laser Welding (RLW) in automotive assembly addressing today's critical needs for frequently changing operating conditions and product-mix provisions. Thus, RLW Navigator will crucially serve as an enabler for future energy efficient smart factories. RLW is emerging as a p...
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The intensification of maritime traffic, both in terms of goods and passengers, needs to be accompanied by an environmentally sustainable management of port areas so to reduce harmful consequences for local populations. MESP addresses the reduction of water, air and noise pollution deriving from port activities through the implementation of a multidisciplinary approach, which encompasses technolog...
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Description ARMOR is a flexible, holistic and economical monitoring tool of the brain. It diagnozes and manages epileptic seizures efficiently including possibilities for detecting premonitory signs and feedback to the patient. The tool is optimized for each patient and is tested in several case studies which evaluated it as a wide use ambul...
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Background Marine litter is one of the most serious environmental problems of the 20th Century. It has an adverse affect on the economy, affecting tourism, industry and the fisheries sector, and it is a potential source of damage to human health. Reduction of litter, especially disgarded cigarette butts, would improve the aesthetic value of beaches and ...
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Effective end-to-end management of dynamic manufacturing networks is consistently touted as a top priority for manufacturing enterprises that need to strive to improve their efficiency, adaptability and sustainability of their production systems. Moreover, it is a crucial prerequisite for the emerging powerful new model of production based on community, collaboration, and self-organisation and ope...
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Scientific research is no longer conducted within national boundaries and is becoming increasing dependent on the large-scale analysis of data, generated from instruments or computer simulations housed in trans-national facilities, by using e Infrastructure (distributed computing and storage resources linked by high-performance networks).The 48 month EGI-InSPIRE project will continue the transitio...
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Description Digital preservation offers the economic and social benefits associated with the long-term preservation of information, knowledge and know-how for re-use by later generations. However, digital preservation has a great problem, namely that preservation support structures are built on projects which are short lived and is fragmente...
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Incubator units for creative industries business start ups provide much needed space and act as vital support mechanisms and catalysts for the development of entrepreneurship and innovation in this sector right across the EU. The creative industries (e.g. Advertising, Textiles, Fashion, Television & Radio, Photo Imaging, Graphic Design and Interactive Media, Publishing, Animation, Computer Games, ...
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Continued and coordinated efforts by the European Commission, the Member States and EU regions have led to a steady increase in employment levels in many parts of Europe over the years. The recent economic crisis however broke this trend, resulting in significant job loss in all EU countries. While being faced with reductions of funding available to them, EU regions now need to step up their effor...
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The European leadership and excellence in manufacturing are being significantly threatened by the huge economic crisis that hit the Western countries over the last years. More sustainable and efficient production systems able to keep pace with the market evolution are of paramount importance in the recovery plan aimed at innovating the European competitive landscape. An essential ingredient for a ...
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Social Telemedia Environment for Experimental Research (STEER)

Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

Social media already influence social relationships thus changing social structure enabled by technological advances. These advances transform the environment(s) we are surrounded by, as they introduce new kinds of interactions between humans and objects. It is therefore natural for users within this emerging social cyberspace to demand the kind of experiences they are accustomed to in their daily...
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SEE area comprising non-EU MS, NMS and EU-15 MS is area with the biggest challenge in the matter of Broadband development to achieve i2010 or i2015 targets as it is seen from Digital Agenda Scoreboard 2011 for EU MS and from national reports available for some non-EU MS. Mainly Rural areas are affected by phenomenon of Broadband Gap where we can still identify alarming percentage of Inhabitants li...
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The Foundation for the Smart Factory of the Future (FoFdation)

Start date: Jun 1, 2010, End date: Oct 31, 2014,

Today's major challenges for manufacturing companies, operating under productivity pressures, greater product variability and environmental constraints, are clearly identified as global cooperation with multiple supply chain partners, production optimization, and tracking and management of information to meet new requirements like traceability, security, sustainability. These requirements lead to ...
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The delivery of 3D media to individual users remains a highly challenging problem due to the large amount of data involved, diverse network characteristics and user terminal requirements, as well as user's context such as their preferences and location. As the number of visual views increases, current systems will struggle to meet the demanding requirements in terms of delivery of consistent video...
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Joint easily wafted East laboratory Model  (JEWEL Model)

Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: Sep 29, 2014,

Background Crisis of the function and character of the historical town centre in the territory and the loss of identity of its renewed community. Overall aims Develop integrated strategies for metropolitan areas for contribute to the future development of South East Europe. Project wishes to contribute to innovative solutions to tackle crucial problems affecting metropolitan areas, such as local g...
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Transnational ENhancement of ECOPORT8 network  (TEN_ECOPORT)

Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: Sep 29, 2014,

In the recent years the ports are the hub-point of the Core Regional Transport Networks, as precursors for the TEN-T comprehensive network in the South East Europe. In this direction, a great responsibility was entrusted to the port authorities: they are the authority appointed for the Control and the real application of the Environmental Manage System, being the nodes that ensure the environmenta...
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1. Background and objectives Access to information, broadband connectivity and financing of virtual accessibility are key components necessary for the development, adoption and use of ICT in the economy and society. Inadequacies in the telecommunication infrastructure and accessibility to services among the individual countries and regions of the programme area hamper significantly competitiveness...
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