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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main axes of the Erasmus+ mobility actions are implemented by the University of Patras (UP) academic/administrative staff within certain activities based on fundamental principles and followed by sufficiently oriented procedure. I) Certain activities i. Incoming students & Bilateral Agreements ii. European Networks & Associations iii. Erasmus Mundus Programme iv. Traineeship outgoing students v. General financial issues of the International Relations Office (IRO) vi. Outgoing students for studies, teaching & staff mobility vii. IRO?s operational & communication methods II) Fundamental principles i. Non ? discrimination set out ii. Equal access & opportunities for all iii. Recognition of study/traineeship mobility (ECTS) iv. Charge no fees III) Academic/Administrative Procedure (before/during/after mobility) i. Update the course catalogue on the website ii. Guidance to incoming mobile participants iii. Approval & monitoring of inter ? institutional agreements iv. Language policy for incoming students (Greek courses) & OLS for outgoing students v. Assistance for obtaining visas when required vi. Mentoring & support arrangements for rights and commitments, cultural recourses, insurance for health, liability/accident insurance vii. Recognition for teaching & training activities IV) Mobility Numbers i. 83 Incoming students ii. 92 outgoing students for traineeships iii. 154 outgoing students for studies iv. 86 outgoing staff motilities? for teaching/training The main goal is to gain high recognition of the University in the global academic and research community, to provide sustainable alliances and strategic partnerships based on mutual trust and comprehensive understanding, in order for the UP to promote excellence in research/education and improve employability focused on the society needs. Thus, we endeavored to participate actively in all the Erasmus+ mobility actions and projects promoting the internationalization as the solution of achieving the new higher education challenges. Through the framework of the Erasmus+ programme the UP offered equal access and opportunities to all the members of the academic community. The target was the increase of students? self-motivation, the inter-disciplinary research, innovation and technology transfer by bringing scientists from Europe and providing opportunities for training to its staff. In addition, the transfer of knowledge and the improvement of the curricula in partner Universities prerequisite the internal upgrade of the courses and ECTS catalogues and enriched the learning outcomes. One of the most significant aspect was to carry out the mobility actions through the on line course catalogues updating and the guidance to all the Erasmus+ participants by providing assistance for obtaining visas (when required), mentoring and support arrangements for rights and commitments, monitoring/renewing the inter-institutional agreements. Furthermore, in order for the UP to ensure that incoming and outgoing participants were well prepared for the mobility, the IRO encouraged them to join the Greek language & civilization courses and participate to the Erasmus+ Online Linguistic Support. At this point, it is essential to mention that the University of Patras International Relations Office (IRO) within the collaboration with the ESN UoPA organized meetings about exchanging ideas and experiences between all the Erasmus+ participants. Finally, UP?s membership in international networks/associations in education and innovation promoted the internationalization perceptive within the diffusion of the results in the society and strengthened the partnership between the HEIs. Having in mind the Institutional procedure and the Erasmus+ mobility actions and projects that have been implemented by the UP, it is quite essential to refer to the participants? number increase, the high recognition of academic/administrative performance and the gaining of the first position in Erasmus+ traineeships mobility nationally.
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