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16 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Linking education with innovation is a necessary step towards smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in terms of increasing labor market relevance of VET and promoting a more resource efficient and competitive economy. The standards are crucial part of any activity on nowadays life. The necessity of education about standardization is already recognized at European level. The main objective of IST...
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Farklı Alanlar Yüksek Standartlar

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2017,

10 students and an accompanying from each Clothing Production Technologies, Information Technologies and Accounting and Finance study fields of our institute will attend the implementations within the project. Students who study Clothing Production Technologies will implement 2 weeks of implementation in Italy, Students who study Information Technologies will implement 2 weeks of implementation in...
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Experiences - Skills - Opportunities

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017,

Project Experiences-Skills-Opportunities reacts to the need to increase applicability of students on the labor market by improving their hard- and soft-skills and personality traits through the practice in the companies abroad. Students from study branches Electrotechnics and Technical lyceum must complete two weeks compulsory practice. While this practice they should apply their knowledge and ski...
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Mobilitou žiakov a učiteľov SPŠE k zvýšeniu kvality školy

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017,

SPŠE Hálova has the ambition to take an important position among the schools that are specialized in Electrotechnics and IT in the region. This goal is to be accomplished through the quality of its graduates successful in the labor market and further forms of study, high professionalism of its staff, study fields and professional carrier preparation attractiveness. This long-term strategy adapts t...
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Be ready for real business

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

Project „Be ready for real business“ reacted for the need to increase the amount of practical education in vocational education through the implementation of dual education to educational process and by strengthen the existing dual education in curriculum. Project had two main goals: 1. Improve specialized knowledge and skills in the field of IT, improve soft-skills in communication with customers...
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Vycestujme za novými vedomosťami a zručnosťami za hranice Slovenska

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

“We Are Travelling Abroad to Obtain New Knowledge and Skills” Project was focused on international experience in an educational activity acquirement and ITC abilities improvement of our school students and teachers. In accordance with Erasmus+ key action A1 Program we have fulfilled two main targets focused on new vocational and practical competences acquirement of the 3rd year students. Due to a...
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Do Košic za praxí

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

The project "to Kosice for the practice of" we planned considering the fact that the candidates to study at our school continues to decline despite the desirability of employers in the labor market for skilled manpower in technical fields, so we had and we are interested to deal with the problem and study at our school somehow more attractive to the quality of education provided. Objectives of the...
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In accordance with the European plan of development of The Secondary Electrotechnical School Hálova 16 the main purpose of project named „By means of mobility towards new powers, innovations and realization of electrotechnical school graduates in practice“ is enhancement of professional education, acquirement of practical experiences, attainments and skills in working and educational environment o...
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Príprava elektrotechnikov pre európsky trh práce

Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

The project „Preparation of electricians for the European employment market“is mainly focused on the creation and verification of new units of learning which enable our reaction to the employment market standards. According to our expectation, through passing the unit of learning the members of international internship will increase their professional competencies, skills and attainments. The pr...
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Příprava chemiků a elektrotechniků pro evropský trh práce

Start date: Oct 29, 2014, End date: Oct 28, 2015,

The project "Chemists and electrical engineers preparation for the European labor market " is mainly focused on supplementing and revising still existing learning units ,the development and testing of new learning units, which we want to respond to the demands of the labor market trough. When complete learning units by participants we expect them to increase in credits competencies , skills and kn...
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Turiec do Európy, Európa do Turca 2014

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

The topic of strenghtening of the link between education and labour market in Slovakia is often discussed in the media and at conferences organized by Ministries of Education and Labour. Development of qualifications in accordance with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and aligning VET is important priority of EU. Our experience with the LLL programme and the interest of schools and trai...
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According to priorities of the program Erasmus+ KA1, aims of the project ‘New technologies in electrotechnics and informatics behind the borders of Slovakia’ are: 1. To improve the digital skills and technical competence of the mobility participants by using innovative methods and ways, to gain skills in processing images, sound, computer graphics, multimedia and communication channels by attendi...
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Project is aimed on strenghten the position of slovak language in Czech republic and foster the awareness of slovak students of czech language with aim to avoid continuing rupture of social and language relations of our nations Achievements: The project ended in 2011,No...
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Projekt reší zlepšení tepelne technických vlastností objektu Strední prumyslové školy elektrotechnické v Rožnove pod Radhoštem a Domova mládeže pri SPŠE Rožnov pod Radhštem. V rámci projektu bude provedena výmena oken ucebnového pavilonu hlavní budovy školy, zateplení bocních bezokenních fasád, opravy a zateplení oken na objektu Domova mládeže a instalaci fotovoltaického systému v objektu Domova...
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The EEDUSER project aims to create of portal of portals for e-learning that will itself offer e-learning training modules and training resources for e-learning network designers and managers. The project will further seek accreditation for a degree level integrated study programme in computer network technology.Initial activity will focus upon the development of a series of models for a pedagogica...
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There have been missing specific types of training materials covering the topics of advanced communication, automation and power engineering technologies for the area of VET. According to the performed survey, the demands for specific topics are different in the individual European countries. We also identified that there were in fact no specialized study materials in English. Also, there have not...
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