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Be ready for real business
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project „Be ready for real business“ reacted for the need to increase the amount of practical education in vocational education through the implementation of dual education to educational process and by strengthen the existing dual education in curriculum. Project had two main goals: 1. Improve specialized knowledge and skills in the field of IT, improve soft-skills in communication with customers, colleagues by the participation in working environment and improve communication skills in foreign language (English/German). 2. Improve the quality of dual IT education in Slovakia through the transfer of good practices from Germany, which has long-term experience with dual education system. Project consists of two main activities. First activity was for student in the third grade of post-secondary education with dual elements. Second activity was for teachers in dual education. In first activity, six students of post-secondary education attended two-months practical stay in August and September 2015 in Germany, in companies T-Systems - subsidiaries of Deutsche Telekom AG, that provides IT services for the customers all around the world. In each workplaces, they worked on real tasks from real customers projects and orders. Workplaces for students were chosen by the students’ preferences. In some cases there were more soft-skills oriented tasks, in others there were more hard-skills oriented tasks in the area of administration of IT. Based on feedback from students, they improved their knowledge and skills and they improved their communication skills in foreign language. Feedback from tutors in receiving organization approved very good working morale, effectivity and flexibility and they appreciated students in all areas. In second activity, four teachers in post-secondary dual education at our school attended one week mobility in February 2016 in Munich. This mobility was focused on better understanding of dual education system in Germany. They attended short training in Bavarian chamber of commerce and industry, where they became familiar with dual education from the process of choosing applicants, through the process of education itself up to the final exams by presentation of students’ projects. They also met the teachers from two schools specialized in electrotechnics and information technologies, with whom they exchange experiences from dual education and attended practical and theoretical lessons with dual education students. In Deutsche Telekom company they spent one day with students and instructors involved in dual education. They discussed about in-company training – integral part of dual education – and activities for personal development of students. At schools mentioned above they agreed on future cooperation mostly in the field of mobility projects. Both main goals were successfully reached by planned activities. Project will have positive impact on students’ employability with the help of Europass mobility document that approved their knowledge and skills gained while mobility. Participants also prepared presentation for their schoolmates, through which they informed them about mobilities, their pros and cons and motivate them for participation in this kind of activity. They also prepared educational materials from topics they’ve met through their work in T-Systems companies. These materials were uploaded to VALOR portal and also in internal school network accessible for all students. Teachers after exchange of good practices and experiences will update School educational programme for dual post-secondary education in the way of using methods that leads students to responsibility and self-work and add more practical tasks and simulations in the field of IT education. Project and it’s goals were promoted by presentation from students to students, form teachers to teachers, in the regional broadcast station Regina, on the school website and municipality website, school magazine and we also prepared rollup banner that is placed in the school premises and it’s goal is to inform and motivate students to participate in mobility projects. Project will be also presented on conference Work-Based Learning 2020 in Berlin on June 2016.
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