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Turiec do Európy, Európa do Turca 2014
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The topic of strenghtening of the link between education and labour market in Slovakia is often discussed in the media and at conferences organized by Ministries of Education and Labour. Development of qualifications in accordance with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and aligning VET is important priority of EU. Our experience with the LLL programme and the interest of schools and trainees in the field of mobilities led 3 VET schools from Martin and K.A.B.A.Slovensko – with many years of experience in EU funded projects and network of partners - to create a consortium for successful project implementation. On our meetings we registered interest of schools to prepare mobilities for trainees, but answer to why they are not applying for funding within the calls was that they do not have resources – teachers are fully occupied and ofthen lack experience in writing and managing projects of this type and they welcomed our iniciative to prepare and coordinate such a project. Together we indentified problems and needs of the trainees and for a maximum gain of competencies for their career growth we reached to the conclusion that it is necessary to send young people 'for a trial' to Europe and return them to Turiec region full of practical European experience – send 'Turiec to Europe, (get) Europe to Turiec'. The aim of the project is to place 20 trainees from Business Academy (OA) and 10 trainees from Secondary technical school (SPS) in companies in UK, 30 trainees from Secondary Vocational School of Business and Trade (SOSOaS ) in the companies in Italy and 12 trainees from Secondary technical school (SPS) to similarily oriented VET school in Czech Republic, to enhance exchange of best practice and getting familiar with diferent machinery. Further goals are evaluation of the benefit of practical experience for the mobility participants and for their schools, compare the standards of possitions in the framework of work placements of the trainees based on the feedback from participants during their practice in companiesand propose imporvements to the existing study programmes and identify and evaluate key compentencies of the mobility participants with the KompetenzenBilanz (KB) skills assessment. In total, 72 trainees from 3 VET schools of different areas (administrative work and development of business skills, field of common catering and hotel services and technical education in IT, electrotechnics and logistics) will be included in the project. Among the main activities (A1) belong 5 turns of sending trainees for 2 weeks to UK and Italy for VET in companies and (A2) 1 turn to send trainees for 2 weeks of vocational training at VET school in Czech Republic. During realisation of the project we will use education in practice, during preparation and after return of participants also KB method, developed for evaluation of key competencies from the project of transfer of innovation LdV. We will also maximise the use of online ways of monitoring and communication with partners, e.g. using skype calls. Partners within the consortium will create online shared databank of collected information, documents, photos, stories etc. This databankwill be accessible to all students from the 3 joined schools and the best materials will be processed in united form and made available online for broad public by the means of websites of the partners in the project, media, social networks and other ways of promotion. 72 trainees that will participate at the VET abroad will have, when entering the labour market, more experience and competencies that will help them to find job in their respective fields. They will gain certificate of attendance from hosting partner, certificate of KB from coach and they will also fill out Europass Mobility, where they will specify their gained professional, methodical, personal and social competencies. 3 schools from the Turiec region will get information and will be able to compare the standards of similar fields in foreign countries and based on the feedback from the students they could inicialize an update of their VET. The members of consortium will gain experience by participating in Erasmus+. By realisation of the project will the consortium contribute to the enhancing of the trainees' competencies, learning about new culture and company enviroment in another country, improving of the quality of the offer of labour force in Turiec region. It will contributre to the spreading of awareness about Erasmus+ in the region, since there is anticipated increase in demand of participation on mobilities in the region after return of the trainees and spreading their experience and story at the final workshop. We will invite to the workshop representatives of other VET schools from the region and also from the local government (ZSK) with the aim to start discussion about setting the VET policy and development strategy and expanding the consortium network in the following projects.

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6 Partners Participants