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Nové technológie v elektrotechnike a informatike za hranicami Slovenska
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

According to priorities of the program Erasmus+ KA1, aims of the project ‘New technologies in electrotechnics and informatics behind the borders of Slovakia’ are: 1. To improve the digital skills and technical competence of the mobility participants by using innovative methods and ways, to gain skills in processing images, sound, computer graphics, multimedia and communication channels by attending lectures and practical lessons. During the intership, the participants will acquaint themselves with the methods and technologies taught at the host school and not taught at their school. The intership will give the students not only new professional knowledge and practical skills, but also the opportunity to get familiar with a different school system. Students will work in professional classrooms, laboratories and workshops of the host school. After the mutual agreement, the topics for the students are ‘Communication channels and multimedia production’. 2. To compare the schools’ curriculums, improve and bring new ideas to educational process of our school, because the host school prepares the students in similar fields (Multimedia production, Information technologies…). It’s also the only school in central Europe with a special 3D laboratory of stereotopic projection. 3. To strengthen the ability of the mobility participants to adapt in different work and cultural conditions, improve their communication and language skills which are important in being successful in the European labour market. To make the adaptation easier, the participants will undergo an intercultural, pedagogical, language and technical preparation before the intership. The intership of the SPSE Bratislava students in the host school SSSE Praha will take place in two turns in November 2014 and March 2015. The participants will be 20 students from the 3rd and 4th grade (specialized in Audio/video technology and Information systems) who have the basic knowledge of computer processing of the images and sound and the communication channels. The selection of the participants will be based on criteria such as specialization, grades during the study, grades from the relevant subjects, school attendance, behavior etc. An outcome of the intership will be work sheets, protocols, multimedia and evaluation of the participants. At the end of the stay, the students will do the final project and its evaluation will be included in the final subject evaluation of the students according to their specialization. Every student will receive a certificate of participation in the intership with a acknowledgement of their professional and practical skills– the certificate Europass-Mobility. Leisure activities during the intership will include sightseeing and making familier with the country culture and language which is not a main EU language. Due to the increasing language barrier between Czechs and Slovaks mainly in children and youth age category this intership will help the young generation of these two culturally, mentally and in language closest countries within European Union, come nearer each other. Management meeting will be held before the students departure to conclude agreement and to discuss the intership organization and technical conditions. Interviews with participants will be held after their arrival. The purpose will be to identify their output and to secure the educational results transmission into relevant subjects valuation and to confirm the foreign vocational practice as the substitution of 2– week compulsory vocational practice at a home school. A supervisor teacher will accompany the students. His/her task will be to supervise vocational intership realization, to command the participants, to organize students` leisure activities. A pilot team will monitor technical conditions and tasks fulfillment in both turns during the vocational intership. Students mobility has been agreed mutually. The 3rd year students from SŠSE Prague will participate in the intership and SPŠE Bratislava will provide a practical training on agreed topics. Discussions with the intership participants, turns` presentations on the school web side will be realized within the project dissemination. The intership participants will create an audiovisual work about the intership which they will present at regional secondary school competition and/or at national secondary schools competition. SPŠE K. Adlera has been developing an international cooperation with several partners in different projects for a long time, which allows the school mutual educational learning comparison and different partners` problems recognition. The international projects realization increases the school prestige and helps keep positive school image not only within Bratislava region where the school is located but also other regions. Since the school prepares students for their future carrier in audiovisual technics as the only one in Slovakia, the project impact is also nationwide.

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