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Mobilitou žiakov a učiteľov SPŠE k zvýšeniu kvality školy
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

SPŠE Hálova has the ambition to take an important position among the schools that are specialized in Electrotechnics and IT in the region. This goal is to be accomplished through the quality of its graduates successful in the labor market and further forms of study, high professionalism of its staff, study fields and professional carrier preparation attractiveness. This long-term strategy adapts to partial strategic objectives - to expand the portfolio of offered study fields by the new study field "Information and Network Technology”. Receiving increased hourly subsidies of the practical part of education directly in enterprises contributes to the implementation of the dual education scheme within ŠkVP. According to the requirements of the labor market we continue to expand the fields of professional carrier preparation. Therefore, we are constantly looking for opportunities how to expand and acquire new professional competencies for students and staff in the domestic and international environment.In accordance with the European Development Plan, the main goal of the project “Increasing the quality of the school through the mobility of students and teachers from SPSE” which builds on the projects from previous years is to improve vocational education and training, acquire the skills, knowledge and competences at a partner VET school abroad. Another aspect is the recognition of acquired knowledge and learning outcomes in the graduation profile of participants. By fulfillment of the project’s goal we want to increase professional eligibility of students, improve the qualifications of teachers of vocational subjects, and thus increase the quality SPŠE Hálova as an educational institution.The goal of the three batches of two-week traineeship of VET students (A1- 21 students) and VET student’s traineeship (A2 - 6 students) is to acquire new professional competencies and acquiring practical experience abroad. Students will take part in prepared educational units, the contents of which are practical exercises in programming and electronics, multimedia and security technology and practical experience in enterprises aimed at electrotechnical engineering and IT. These traineeships will be implemented and evaluated using ECVET principle, which allows the acknowledgment of learning outcomes by identifying and documenting what a learner has achieved. Students’ mobility builds on good experience from the project "Mobility to new competencies, innovation and application of electrotechnical engineering graduate in practice", approved in the Erasmus+ 2015 call, executed with partners from SOU and SOŠ Kralupy nad Vltavou, and VOŠ and SŠSE Praha. Based on the positive feedback received from the last year’s participants, we have expanded this year's mobility to three batches of VET traineeships in partner institutions and VET traineeship in enterprises, which will be provided by another foreign partner - SPŠE Havířov. During participants’ selection, students with lack of opportunities and special educational needs will be given the opportunity to participate. Competencies acquired during the project will be confirmed in Europass-Mobility Certificate. Acquisition of new skills will increase students’ employability.The goal of the 12-day training provided to two teachers of vocational subjects is to acquire knowledge, skills and competencies in teaching approach through observing the teaching process of Security technologies subjects, which are part of Information Technology field of study in VOŠ and SŠSE Praha. Completed training of participating teachers will be documented in the Europass-Mobility Certificate, which is the evidence of increased professional qualification acquired by the teachers.Traineeship experience will be discussed and analyzed during regular subject committees’ meetings. Results of this analysis will be used to propose innovative teaching forms and methods, so teachers from SPŠE Hálova can start to apply those in their pedagogical practice. Proposed innovations will be verified during demonstration lessons with participation of teachers from other COVPEIT schools. Proven innovations will be implemented within ŠkVP into the curriculum of the subject Practice in both areas of 2675 M Electrotechnical Engineering vocational training and afterwards into the curriculum of upcoming school program for new field of study 2694 M Information and Network Technology.By implementing mobility activities, SPŠE Hálova Bratislava contributes to promoting the European dimension in education and actively participates in the process of quality improvement, modernization and internationalization. This strengthens the positive perception of school, which increases the competitive advantage of SPŠE Hálova, resulting in increased interest in the school among elementary schools graduates and also among employers looking for the good SPŠE Hálova graduates.

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