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17 European Projects Found

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Reading skills and the reading comprehension of texts are two basic qualifications that are essential for success in school. This is not only important in languages but also in nearly all other subjects as texts are very often the basis of teaching. Nowadays students’ problems concerning these two basic qualifications have been steadily increasing. This development is, on the one hand, based on th...
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Māksla.Vizuālās saziņas līdzekļu māksla.Starpnozaru apmācība.

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

Janis Rozentals Riga Art Highschool is a prominent secondary art school in Latvia that teaches art in accordance with longstanding traditions of classical art and stays up to date with contemporary developments and job market needs.Janis Rozentals Riga Art Highschool sees the value of continuous development by improving language skills of students and academic staff, developing interdisciplinary e...
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BACKGROUND:The deputy heads, continuing the previous project presented by the SNPCT, direct their new project on the issue of the fight against early school leaving by strengthening the School-Enterprise link. To do so, they will:• Take as reference the work of the European Commission analyzing the causes and consequences of leaving school and have the tools available to Member States to fight aga...
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BACKGROUND: • Taking as reference the work of the European Commission analyzing the causes and consequences of early school leaving and have the tools available to Member States to fight against this phenomenon and the measures that the EU should adopt to reduce the rate dropout in the EU. • By being involved in vocational training must take the issue of school dropout in charge and the Business a...
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The Robert-Schuman-Institut Eupen is sending in the next year about 26 students into 5 European partner countries to 7 partners. During this period the Robert-Schuman-Institut is also receiving organization for the students of our partners. It's a mutual exchange.The students do a 3 weeks practical training abroad in a company, institution, organization or specific school to do their first experie...
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The Robert-Schuman-Institut Eupen is sending in the next 2 years about 60 students into 5 European partner countries. During this period the Robert-Schuman-Institut is also receiving organization for the students of our partners. It's a mutual exchange. The students do a 3 weeks practical training abroad in a company, institution, organization or specific school to do their first experiences in th...
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Mobility programme for SAMI

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Internationalization is one of the priority areas in Savonlinna Vocational College. SAMI is a regional developer. The most important task of organization is to educate professionals with current and future working skills for the companies in area of Eastern Finland. There is a special need for international skills, such as language and cultural skills. The project objective is to provide well-trai...
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Project Background: The project is a response to the direct needs of the south Thuringian SMEs. Because of their micro-structure they need support for better participation in the European market and access to existing experience and knowledge. At the same time trainees should be enabled to prepare for a European labor market and gain more knowledge how effectively to integrate into international o...
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Europäische Netzwerke zur Organisation von Lernmobilität

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

Intercultural skills and good knowledge of foreign languages are considerable competitive advantages for integrating into the labor market. COMFORT will conduct exchange projects to Belgium , Ireland , Spain, Romania, Latvia, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands and Turkey. Target group of this project are students from vocational training programs and graduates of vocational training, completed w...
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Summary: From the topic of the project "The youth stamps /influences Europe -the stamping of a European coin with the help of a hand-made coin press“ the main focuses of this project can be recognised. The groups of the participating partners from Belgium, Germany, Poland, Turkey and Hungary understand themselves as European partners who want to build a European educational – working – and adven...
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The summary of the application was built following the project methodology that was established for this work: BACKGROUND: Deputy Heads, in continuation of the previous project submitted by the SNPCT, have oriented this project on the problem of early school leaving in its entirety: • Taking as reference the work of the European Commission analyzing the causes and consequences of early school leav...
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Bessere Ausbildung für Lehrer in Europa

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

Project back ground: By changing from regional work area to an European dimension, it is necessary to change our methods of preparing our students for an European market. That's why the intercultural competences from our staff need to be improved. Intercultural competences are interactive competences and an important part of open minded European schools. At the same time it's very important for o...
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Interkulturelle Austauschprojekte in Europa

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

Project back ground: By changing from regional work area to an European dimension, it is necessary to change our methods of preparing our students for an European market. That's why the competences from our staff needs to be improved. Intercultural competences are interactive competences and an important part of open minded european schools. These competences should be acquierd by intercultural se...
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Le projet consiste à concevoir et réaliser des actions transfrontalières de formation initiale et de formation continue ainsi quun projet de recherche commun dans deux domaines thématiques de la construction durable : la durabilité et limpact environnemental des matériaux de construction ; la gestion de lénergie dans les bâtiments.Der Projektinhalt besteht aus der Erarbeitung und Durchführung gren...
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L07 - Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus

Start date: Jul 15, 2009,

This action was prepared after two years of the EMECW implementation. The previous links and meetings and the follow-up meetings and implementation of the first two phases have proved a mutual beneficial experience. These were contributions made by the applicant, the EU partners, and the third country partners. The universities were selected by a number of criteria: these included involvement in t...
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Das Projekt „Welche Kinder hinterlassen wir unserer Erde?“ hat das Ziel die Schüler durch einen kontinuierlichen Prozess zur Nachhaltigen Entwicklung zu erziehen. Konkret bedeutet dies, dass das Projekt die allmähliche Veränderung der teilnehmenden Einrichtungen anstrebt, indem auf konkrete und wirksame Weise die verschiedenen Dimensionen der Nachhaltigen Entwicklung eingeführt werden.Unsere Schul...
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Gestion de la qualité dans les secteurs à fort potentiel humain : mise en place d'un système de qualité dans les secteurs tels que l'enseignement, la recherche,... et, évaluation, étude et mise en place d'un groupe de travail.
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