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Bessere Qualifikation der Schüler und Lehrer für den europäischen Arbeitsmarkt
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Robert-Schuman-Institut Eupen is sending in the next year about 26 students into 5 European partner countries to 7 partners. During this period the Robert-Schuman-Institut is also receiving organization for the students of our partners. It's a mutual exchange.The students do a 3 weeks practical training abroad in a company, institution, organization or specific school to do their first experiences in the labor market. At the same time, they learn about other cultures and mostly also another language.We chose the students following their motivation and suitability, regularity at school and attendance in the additional language course, organize regular information meetings about the course of the trip and stay, we undertake all preparation tasks and take care of the agreement with the partners.The partners receive our students, organize the accommodations and take care of our students during the stay. They organize also cultural activities.For the teachers of the Robert-Schuman-Institut an exchange of one week is organized with colleagues of the partner countries, job-shadowing in different lessons will be organized and cultural activities as well. They can make a look into the companies, where our students are doing their practical training.The teachers who are doing a practical training, are mostly teachers of the vocational field of our sections. They will receive the possibility to learn about the teaching methods and teaching contents and also compare with the colleagues of the partners. But there are also other colleagues of general courses, because everybody should take some of the experience into his classroom.The partners receive our students and teachers, find the accommodation and a work placement and take care of the guests. They organize as well cultural activities.Our students travel in company with two teachers of our school. In the partner country, they will be picked up from our partners and they will be brought to the accommodation or to the hostfamily. As orientation they will be given information and the person of contact will tell them all they need for the first days. The students will be accompanied to their work place and our teachers as well.Our partner will be disposal in case of emergency, but the students have to find their way to get independent. The hostfamilies and the employers and at the first days also the accompanying teachers are ready to help.The partner will stay in contact with the employer and will be informed. Some times our students have some activities with students of our partner schools.The teachers follow the program which has specially been made for them (exchange, job-shadowing, cultural activities, ...)The aims of the whole project are:- To open the mind concerning other cultures, work methods, and languages. As we work in a small cultural community, it's necessary that our students and teachers enter in contact with other cultures and learn about it. That improve the understanding and helps to get off prejudices.-To support the students to get more flexible and selfconfident. By the work placement and the experience abroad, they will have more chances at the labour market.-To support the interest for languages. In Europe it' a must to know 2 or even more lanuages. That improves the chances on the labour market.-And to improve experiences in the vocational area. The students will receive the possibility to combine the training at school by the work experience. The teachers will learn other methods and technics. To open this perspective seems us as school instution important for the best education.

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8 Partners Participants