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16 European Projects Found

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Fighting Antigypsyism through grassroots actions

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

The core aim of this project is Enabling young Roma and pro-Roma activists to fight Antigypsyism by taking civic initiatives at local level and disseminating through online tools and social media.Its objectives are:To bring young Europeans together in a joint effort to fight AntigypsyismTo explore the concept of Antigypsyism, its manifestations and identify effective responsesTo increase the compe...
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Nothing about us without us!

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

The seminar organized by Amaro Foro e.V. will bring together 33 Roma and non-Roma multipliers and youth activists from 9 European countries (Germany, Macedonia, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, France, Spain, Hungary and Albania) aims to develop a comprehensive approach on the issue of Genocide remembrance and education of marginalized youth, their effective involvement and participation in local...
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Volunteering for Youth Voice

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

Volunteering for Youth Voice project idea came out during discussions in "Youth Voice : One Step Closer to Sustainability in Youth Work " training course in order to support establishment of Youth Voice Network where participants were agreed. Our representative's presentation about need for network is adopted by other partner organisaitons and agreed that partner organisations should support net...
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Ejemplos de éxito educativo / Combatiendo el absentismo

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

High rates of truancy of Roma youth in the neighborhood of Sant Roc (Badalona) make Zor intended Kali much of its efforts on activities that help minimize and provide boys and girls in the neighborhood references and motivations to strengthen its relationship and commitment to the school. We know that beyond the borders of our district, these alarming figures truancy of Roma often reproduced in ma...
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The Intercultural Association Nakeramos presents the project Zor Romani Antigypsy Stereotypes in Arts and Culture, a youth exchange of 50 Roma and non-Roma people that will learn about the representations of the Roma people in Arts throughout History and in the present in Spain. The learning process will be based on the non-formal education approach and its methodology. The symbolism surrounding t...
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The active are living more attractive 4 - Eastern Partnership

Start date: May 5, 2015, End date: Sep 4, 2016,

”The active are living more attractive 4 - Eastern Partnership ” is EVS project hosting five volunteers from three countries: Albania, Georgia and Ukraine. The volunteers are hosted in three different organizations: Kindergarten number 18 in Szczecin, POLITES Association and Environmental Education and Educative facility No. 1 in Szczecin. The aim of the project is promoting different forms of vol...
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Roma Grassroots Empowerment through EVS

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

This long-term EVS project aims to strengthen the international scope of the work of Roma Active Albania as well as providing a complex and sustainable learning opportunity for Roma and non-Roma youth in Albania and Europe by involving international volunteers in the activities of RAA. The question of Roma inclusion as the core of the work of RAA has a strongly European dimension and is directly c...
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Kali Zor (International Youth Roma Exchange on Sport, Health and Culture) is a project that wants to become a creative and positive way to encourage self-organization, empowerment, public awareness, the values of sport and the need for healthy lifestyles among young Roma and non-Roma participants. More than 60 young Roma and non-Roma from Poland, Germany, Hungary, France, Austria, Albania, Romania...
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PUTREN LE JAKHA: ¡Abre tus ojos al antigitanismo!

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

Racism against Roma ("Antigypsyism"), is a widespread phenomenon in Europe, which has existed for centuries but which has not been questioned or treated at the institutional level. This antigypsyism leads to violent attacks, agitation and hate speech in the media, as well as an increase in social exclusion. In some countries, the necessary measures against this form of racism have been taken, but ...
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The project "Exchange of capacity on voluntary service in Roma organizations of the Phiren Amenca network" provides the opportunity for two youth workers to deepen their knowledge in the field of voluntary service and international cooperation. The involved organizations work together in the Phiren Amenca network of Roma and non-Roma volunteers and voluntary service organizations and want to addre...
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Internationale Jugendkonferenz zu Antiziganismus

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

Racism against Roma and Sinti („Anti-Gypsyism“) is widely spread in Europe, but rarely questioned. Moreover, it leads to violent assaults, agitation and hate speech in the media und increasing social exclusion. In many countries, measures and initiatives against this form of racism are taken, but there is too little transnational exchange and too little transnational activities. On this account, R...
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A place for all

Start date: Mar 1, 2013,

Roma Active Albania would like to give an opportunity to the youngsters which are coming from different countries to learn more about roma minority,Albanian culture,and traditions in order to break down the prejudices and stereotypes that might exists.As the volunteers will be Roma and non Roma youngsters,this will give the possibilities to network and be more sensitive for each one realities and ...
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YCC – Youth, Culture, Conflict

Start date: Dec 1, 2012,

YCC is a Youth in Action – Action 3.1 seminar for youth workers and youth leaders from 11 countries Albania, Bosnia And Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Republic of Macedonia, Italy, Spain, Slovakia,Turkey, Germany & Poland that will be held in Pogradec , Albania on 10-16 April 2013. The seminar focuses on tackling ethnic, national and cultural conflicts faced by young people and communities in pa...
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Start date: Aug 4, 2012,

„Stir it up - Inter religious dialogue as a prerequisite for sustainable economic growth of societies“ is a seminar for youth leaders and youth workers and aims to promote tolerance and mutual understanding amongst youth of different communities and religions. As the title indicates, the project aims to shed light on the growing importance of dialogue and mutual understanding of persons living ...
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"3... 2... 1... Action!! Assume your role for Europe" is a training course for youth leaders, youth workers and young volunteers that aims to promote Youth Representation amongst youth of different communities. We want to shed light on the understanding of the meaning of Youth Representation amongst the youngsters that are living in the border of the community. The project will take place in F...
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The project consists in a training course that will be hosted by Roma Active Albania in Durres, Albania on February 3d – 10th, 2012. It will gather 30 participants from 15 countries, aged 18 to 30 years old.The training will have three main fronts:- exploring the concept of culture diversity and the effect that this diversity has in the life of thousand of European citizens;- promotion of intercul...
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