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20 European Projects Found

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When we analyze the phenomenon of unemployment of the young and the phenomenon of early school leaving three paradoxes are revealed: 1.Among young people in Europe, we see high unemployment, but at the same time in certain professions there are still shortages of workers 2.It is clear that education provides more competitiveness in the labor market and at the same time maintains the phenomenon of ...
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Trail of extinct and active volcanoes, earthquakes across Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

“Trail of extinct and active volcanoes, earthquakes across Europe” is 3 years project carried out by students and secondary school teachers from Poland, Portugal, France, Spain, Turkey and Italy. It is the interdisciplinary project combining Biology, Geology, Seismology, Physics, Geography, Language Arts . It aims to provide students with the tools to study volcanoes in Volcano observatories ...
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Developing Enquiry and Activity-based Learning and Teaching

Start date: Aug 31, 2016, End date: Aug 30, 2018,

RSG 't Rijks is a large general secondary school in the South West of the Netherlands. At the moment the school has approximately 2670 students and 250 staff. The school offers a wide range of options to cater for the different interests and skills of its students. Internationalisation with a focus on the European- as well as the global dimension, is one of the key areas in our school policy. Over...
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Mutual Open and Online Skills

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The MOOS (Mutual Open and Online Skills) project aims the ideation, implementation and experimentation of a transnational, digital, educational platform and related instruments (Open Education Resources - OER) based on principles of “Open Education” applied to High School. The project title MOOS is inspired to MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) and to MOOS (MOOS are a text-based online virtual real...
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Digital Innovation in Training

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The project DIGIT– Digital Innovation in Training – is addressed to 100 students attending the ultimate and pen-ultimate year of secondary school in the Province of Macerata and it aims at strengthening, within their educational and training path, the use of innovative and flexible methodologies, in order to link school preparation with practical activities, through the experience of transnationa...
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REthinking Sport to Enhance Talents: lifelong sporting

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The project was born from the desire to create a link between the world of education and the labor market, with reference to the professional categories working in the organization of sporting events. In the education ,in particular, the latest provisions of the Council of Ministers expect that the school will give more space to the topic of Sports. In fact, with the Presidential Decree No. 1 of 0...
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TEAching and Managing of learning groups

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

Total number of Sending Partners: 8 Total number of Participating Organisations: 12 Total number of beneficiary: 80 Length of mobility: 1 week Partner countries: Italy, France, Malta, Spain The purpose of the project TEA.M. are designed to fill the gap currently existing in the italian higher secondary school system where the penetration of cooperative learning systems is still very limited. The p...
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Mediterranean souls and sounds

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The project is called "Mediterranean Souls and Sounds". The coordinator school is Liceo G. Galilei from Civitavecchia, Italy, with the partnership of Erunal Sosyal Bilimler Lisesi from Antalya,Turkey. Both of the schools are located on the coast of the Mediterranean which has been a source of inspiration in the emergence of the project. At first glance, the two countries seem to have different c...
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Looking for a universal language by means of performing arts

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

In times of Twitter and Facebook communication changes fundamentally. Communication has lost its function of personal exchange and real interaction, it is rather a way of individual expression. It is the objective of this project to find a universal language based on original forms of a communication and to overcome linguistic borders. Using social media gives us an identity, but an identity fixed...
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Internazionalization for scientific approach

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Summary of the project: The project “Internationalization for a Scientific Approach” has focused on staff training abroad through some of the channels offered by international mobility: language learning, job shadowing, participation in courses regarding the benchmark issues. The job shadowing activity has been carried out with a partner institution from Sweden and a partner from Finland; the inse...
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An International Dimension to the Enhancement of Activity-based Learning

Start date: Aug 31, 2014, End date: Aug 30, 2016,

RSG 't Rijks is a large comprehensive school in the southwest of the Netherlands. At the moment it has 2670 pupils and 250 staff. The school offers a wide range of thematic options to cater for the different interests of its students. Since the introduction of the bilingual (TTO) department in 2001 internationalisation and focus on the European dimension have been key in school policy . This has n...
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Skilled European Entrepreneurs

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

The speed of change in our societies, rapid advances in new technologies, and the changing needs of the economy in a globalized world lead to new challenges. One crucial challenge we have to face is the unpredictability of the future. Think of the children starting school today, they will retire in 2076! What will the world look like then? Our national education systems should to enable our studen...
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Communicate Through Sharing: Commitment to a European Future

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

Due to the characteristics of our school we bet for a project to developpe the following aspects: 1.- To impove the linguistic skills of those teachers taking part in the multilingual program or wishing to do it. These are non-linguistic fields teachers who use English/French to teach their non-linguistic subjects. 2.- To strenghen the curricular and methodological knowledge of those teachers taki...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

In the general framework for the development of the EU dimension multilingualism among EU citizens is essential for integration. One of the most important steps towards the development of multilingualism from a young age is to reinforce linguistic competences of teaching staff so as to encourage the development of CLIL methodology. The Galilei Institute believes that it is necessary to carry out a...
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Students at Work in European Enterprises through Training PLUS

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

The SWEET+ proposal is the result of the partnership between Consorzio Scuola Comunità Impresa, the sponsoring body and coordinator of the initiative, 13 proponent entities, 11 host/receiving organizations, and will involve 80 students of the fourth year of some higher vocational technical and professional schools of the province of Novara. Novara is placed at the intersection of two major Pan-Eur...
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In an increasingly knowledge-based society, cultural institutions play an important role as learning environments for both children and adults. Whilst professional remits might suggest that such institutions are both innovative and proactive, many fail to achieve their educational development potential. Recognising a need for strategic change, the Cultural Organisations (CONNECTION) project aimed ...
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Start date: Oct 1, 2006,

The Game On project targeted prisoners and ex-offenders (including specifically marginalised groups such as deaf prisoners and prisoners with additional learning needs) and aimed at the creation of motivational e-learning materials and e-games able to support personal development and employment sustainability skills amongst target beneficiaries. Partners commited to the direct involvement of end b...
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The project will focus on one of the most important issues of our society: migrations and exile. The participants will be young people, 16 to 20 years old, and through the project we will try to provide them with wider and more diverse views on the subject. Immigration has impacted widely on European societies, and will continue to do so. Europe has diversified culturally. This has led to th...
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The H.E.LE.N project focuses upon non-academic, post-secondary education and training, which is recognised as a key strategic element for future European development of the knowledge-based economy, centered on human resources. The project aims to promote the mobility of European citizens, both for labour and educational purposes, by improving transparency in the definition of qualifications and s...
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The DIANOIA. project is designed to develop the metacognitive skills of instructors, teachers, social operators and educators with a view to fostering autobiographical and narrative teaching practices.The ability to talk about oneself and to tell one's story should, according to the project, help young people to enter active life through better acquaintance with their own abilities and skills to a...
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