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18 European Projects Found

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On the waves of European volunteering

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

'On the waves of European volunteering' is a long term Evs involving one volunteer and 3 organizations. The CO, Jeugddienst Don Bosco, the SO, Associazione Porta Nuova Europa and HO, De Takel in Ostend will cooperate to run this project. Youth centre De Takel is a meeting place for young people, mostly migrants coming from disadvantaged backgrounds: refugees, school drop outs, NEET's, ... So, the ...
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Erasmus+ Incubator for Social Entrepreneurship and Social Tourism

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

Travel Beyond! – Erasmus+ incubator on Social Entrepreneurship and Social Tourism, is a 6-day training course focussed on project management and social entrepreneurship in EU youth work (Erasmus+). The main aim is to develop entrepreneurial skills for volunteers in youth work, enabling them to develop innovative approaches to cater for the needs of the young people working on local and European le...
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The seminar "WILL YOU JOIN ME?: Reflection and implementation of Inclusion and Diversity Strategy in Erasmus+" will analyze the inclusion strategy of Erasmus+ as a tool to empower the partner organizations who work with young people with fewer opportunities on local level to get international within Erasmus+. This will encourage several of our Don Bosco partner organisations for greater inclusion ...
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On the waves of Europan volunteering

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

'On the waves of European volunteering' is a long term Evs involving one volunteer and 3 organizations. The CO, Jeugddienst DOn Bosco, the SO, Portanuova Europa and HO, De Takel in Oostende will cooperate to run this project. This youth center is a meeting lace for young people, mostly migrants coming from diadvantaged backgrounds: refugees, school drop outs, NEET's, ... So, the center is a shelte...
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Start date: May 15, 2016, End date: Oct 14, 2016,

Youthopia is a short term Group EVS organized and coordinated by Jeugddienst Don Bosco vzw. It takes place in Flandrers, the northern part of Belgian. A group of 16 participants from 6 countries (Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Spain, Malta, Germany) will be active as animators on a Flemish Don Bosco playground (HO) from 3th till 19th of July 2015. From monday till Friday, they will be accomod...
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Back to Square One

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

This seminar analyzed youth exchanges as tools for greater inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities. We have noticed that over the years number of such activities dropped significantly in our network therefore we will empower our partners towards organising them. Youth exchanges are an ideal mobility project where you can reach out to larger group of young people. Age-wise you can alrea...
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Out of the Box

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

‘Out of the Box’ is a training course on creating and developing new projects within Erasmus+ whilst learning best practices on how to maintain a project and give it life. SPYS has a main aim to develop youths towards good and honest citizens and this project ensures a positive impact and participation of the youths towards the community. ‘Out of the Box’ aims to train youths and engineer their pr...
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Meet the nEUghbours

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

Meet the nEUghbours is a short term Group EVS organized an dcoordinated by Jeugddienst Don Bosco vzw. It takes place in Flandrers, the northern part of Belgian. A group of 16 participants from 6 countries (Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Spain, Malta, Germany) will be active as animators on a Flemish Don Bosco playground (HO) from 3th till 19th of July 2015. The group of 16 volunteers will inc...
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Volunteer: Step forward

Start date: Jan 31, 2015, End date: May 30, 2015,

‘Volunteer: Step forward"" is a seminar on the improvement of mobility projects, EVS-projects and international (summer) exchanges accessible for young NEETs within the framework of Erasmus + . The strenghts of the partners is that there already is a big international mobiltiy between the different partners. Each of them organizes EVS-projects, youth exchanges, democracy projects, volunteer exchan...
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According to the motto "What is the world we want to live in? - Young people shape the future" Don Bosco Mission organised a youth exchange with 40 participants from eight different countries. From 19th to 26th January 2015 the young people dealt with their personal experiences in their home countries and got to know the reality of the lives of youths in other European countries as well as neighbo...
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Youth Hatch !: Incubadora de proyectos de emprendimiento social juvenil

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Jan 16, 2015,

Youth Hatch! is an educational project as a " incubator for social projects " that allow participants to shape their ideas and the generation of social entrepreneurship projects and further development. The participants are volunteers and workers in the field of youth from12 EU countries (AT, BE, CR , DE , ES, IT , MT, NL, PL, SK , SI, UK) Youth hacth! , is conceived as a learning path consisting ...
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Brace for Impact

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

The common interest from the side of the European Union as well as from the side of the project partners was to ensure the positive and long term impact of our work on the society and help young people within their personal and professional development in the present social-economical crisis. The European Union made this commitment by the integration of all the separate educational programs into a...
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You(th) for Human Rights

Start date: Jul 1, 2009,

Over the last years the issue of Human Rights has become a core element of the public debates. Media, public institutions, NGO's, foundations, … they all have made their voices heard. At the same time we need to recognise that it are children and young people who suffer most from the violations of Human Rights, mostly because they are considered to be voiceless. As a result they are also not re...
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The project titled "Project Mexico: Meeting & Exchanging with Indiginas Children and young people in an Orphan center" takes place in Tuxtla, capital city of one of the most southern states of Mexico: Chiapas. Two volunteers (Group EVS) will reside during seven months in the Mexican Casa Hogar Maria de Nazaret, a center for female streetchildren and orphans which is part of the Mexican department ...
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Volunteer - Key to the Future !

Start date: Dec 1, 2010,

Volunteer- Key to the Future ! is a Youth Democracy "Project, organised by Don Bosco Youth-Net ¡vzw as a celebration of volunteering. As such we see this project part of the European year of volunteering.Volunteer- Key to the Future ! applies the concept of representative democracy as a roadmap. All partner promoters start-off with a local meeting with their volunteers- On this meeting they will d...
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IDEA-XL is a 2 weeks Group EVS programmeme organised by Jeugddienst Don Bosco vzw in Belgium. A group of 10 foreign volunteers from 5 different European countries will participate on the Don Bosco playground activities from July 2 until July 18 2010. The age bracket of the volunteers is between 18 and 30 years old.Volunteers will be coming from Czech Republic, Spain, Malta, Slovakia and XX. We wan...
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"YOU(TH) JOIN HANDS TOGETHER to foster Solidarity and Social Inclusion" is a Group EVS Program organized in Rijswijk, The Netherlands from 18 July to 14 August 2010. This program aims to cross the borders of young volunteers to solidarity and stimulate their creative and innovative thinking through sports and recreative outdoor activities to foster social inclusion. Through games and non formal me...
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