Search for European Projects

On the waves of Europan volunteering
Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

'On the waves of European volunteering' is a long term Evs involving one volunteer and 3 organizations. The CO, Jeugddienst DOn Bosco, the SO, Portanuova Europa and HO, De Takel in Oostende will cooperate to run this project. This youth center is a meeting lace for young people, mostly migrants coming from diadvantaged backgrounds: refugees, school drop outs, NEET's, ... So, the center is a shelter for these youths, a place where they can feel at home and relax, meet but also develop competences (social) and take up responsibility for their own center. The selected volunteer will do her service in the youth center in Ostend. She will work with young people aged between 12 and 23 years old. She will organize different activities fot these youths and open the youth center on 5-days base. The activities she organizes can be: game nights, outdoor activities, excursions, home work guidance, youth work competence training... After a period, the volunteer gets the opportuntiy to develop personal workshops, projects and activities which also meets her own interests. Herefore, the HO and the CO will support the volunteer. The volunteer will have a background on volunteering and more especially in working with disadvantaged young people. The results an impacts of the project are mostly concentrated on the volunteer herself in relationshi with the wide range of competences that she will develop during the project. An important aspect of impact is the influence of volunteer's work among young people attending De Takel - the services offered in the youth center will be more diverse, and young people will grow through interacting with an international volunteer. By meeting, coopreating with an Intalian volunteer, we want to develop a broader perspective on youth work and on volunteering with the local youths of Ostend. We want to start up intercultural, interreligious dialogue in order to exchange opinions andlearn from each other in a respectful way. With the presence of an Italian volunteer, we want to motivate and inform young people to also volunteer abroad AND on local level). Volunteering and working i social organizations can lift up their self confidence and create new opportunities for them.

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