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Meet the nEUghbours
Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Meet the nEUghbours is a short term Group EVS organized an dcoordinated by Jeugddienst Don Bosco vzw. It takes place in Flandrers, the northern part of Belgian. A group of 16 participants from 6 countries (Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Spain, Malta, Germany) will be active as animators on a Flemish Don Bosco playground (HO) from 3th till 19th of July 2015. The group of 16 volunteers will include people coming from disadvantaged backgrounds. The main task of the volunteers is the preparation, leading and support of the activities for children and youths from 4 till 16 years old. The volunteers are expected to work together with the local volunteers and mostly peers (youths and older volunteers) in order to create and realize the daily programme towards and with the children. By meeting, playing and exchanging in a non-formal context, we creat a paltform where personal growth of children, local and international volunteers is possible. During the weekends, the international volunteers will participate in a common program, organized by Belgian experienced volunteers and trainers of JDDB. These weekends focus on: training, evaluation, reflection, preparation, intercultural learning, Youthpass reflection, sports and games. By the use of voluntary work, cultures will be exchanged and intercultural differences will be explored. The project will develop a better mutual understanding and promote intercultural dialogue. It will be an enriching experience for the international volunteers as well as for the Belgian volunteers. The project partners in Belgium and in Europe will gain from this experience on different levels. The HO will have learned form guiding and accomodating a volunteer coming from another culture an dcountry. The SO will benefitting from the competences the volunteers have gained through the project. They will integrate these competences in the local SO's whilst working with young people.
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