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25 European Projects Found

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Water - Sustainable Point-Of-Use Treatment Technologies (WATERSPOUTT)

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2020,

The WHO estimates that in 2015 in Africa ~156 million people relied on untreated sources for their drinking water. WATERSPOUTT will design, develop, pilot and field-test a range of, sustainable point-of-use solar disinfection (SODIS) technologies that will provide affordable access to safe water to remote and vulnerable communities in Africa and elsewhere. These novel large-volume water treatment ...
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Start date: Oct 15, 2016, End date: Oct 14, 2019,

The ELEVATE project addresses the process of internationalisation of Moldovan higher education as the one that requires immediate national and institutional response and joint action. Enabling national HE bodies and HEIs to strategically manage comprehensive internationalisation in the provision of education, research, mobility and services are regarded to be the project’s overall objective and th...
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The field of Higher Education has been recognised as one of the key drivers within the EU2020 Strategy to overcome the socioeconomic crisis, to boost growth and jobs and to foster equity and inclusion. Moreover, one of the key priorities for HE is the reinforcement of the “Knowledge Triangle”, through the support of innovation, entrepreneurship and university-business cooperation. This specifical...
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Transatlantic Open Government Virtual Education

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

Public bodies’ workers are currently facing an enormous challenge: a growing public demand for the creation of an opener and more inclusive governance and the emergence of several and social information and communication technologies (ICTs).As a result of the meetings and the debates that took place in the “1st Iberoamerican Conference on Public Innovation” (, which hosted lead...
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The project addresses such problems in the economies and higher education systems of Belarus and Ukraine as marginalized private sector and insufficiency of today approaches in teaching engineering and entrepreneurial culture shaping.The project Goal is to develop environment that stimulates engineering creativity, entrepreneurial activities & fosters youth employability via university-business-in...
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Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

STINT emphasizes problems which are related to non conformities of procedures for recognition of qualifications in accordance with international documents within EHEA. Existing legislation in B&H concerning recognition of foreign qualifications hasn't been completely harmonized with Lisbon Recognition Convention. Without harmonized recognition procedures mobility of students, teachers and nonteach...
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Art and Furniture Strategic Partnership

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

Artistic quality will be crucial for the future success of furniture design. It is essential to promote design-driven innovation in industries to strengthen the competitiveness in the furniture sector. Also to increase the skills and competences in design tools, business, ICTs and regulation of the students of the fine arts will make them more competitive according to the needs of the current mar...
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Let the Hopes Blossom

Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

European Commission published a report concerning early school leaving in November 2014. According to this report, the EU average rate of early leavers from education and training is now 11.9%, the EU average rate among boys is 13.6% whereas it is 10.2% among girls (Eurostat). Turkish Confederation of Employer Association has interpreted the average rate of early school dropout in Turkey as 37% (3...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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This is a project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries. Please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Nutrition Of Good, Disharmful, Organic

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Diabetes and obesity are ever-increasing and problematic illnesses in the world recently. Especially type2 diabetes illnesses occur in later years depending upon malnutrition and decrease the quality of living. Our project’s general purpose is to make contribution to protect community health care by improving the awareness of society about the importance of a balanced and healthy diet against diab...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

The Erasmus+ Programme remains firmly embedded within the University at undergraduate level and supports the University's internationalisation agenda. It achieves this in two ways: in the general, by facilitating the flow of ideas, knowledge and good practice within and without the University, and in the specific by enabling individual staff and students to expand their horizons and enhance their...
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Many European countries face the problem that recruiting into the VET system is unbalanced and not representative to their demographic/cultural composition. The accessibility to VET for learners is restrained by communicative barriers (geographical, cultural, language, disability etc.) in terms of perceptions of the learning situation; in addition to the fact that VET is often only provided in the...
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Europe is confronted with the problem of population departure and consequent abandon of rural areas due to the increase in wildfire incidence, and there is a need to to find ways to support rural development by providing adequate training on fire and disaster related management. Romania, Hungary, Estonia, Spain and UK have recorded between 2004-2007, 21500 fires which affected almost 150,000ha of ...
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The project involves the planning and delivery of a European seminar for practitioners and academics working in the fields of youth, connecting nature and outdoor education with formal and non-formal education. The seminar aims to consider a diverse range of current European approaches to the understanding of young people's interaction with outdoor education and encourages cross cultural dialogue ...
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Rationale:-There is strong scientific evidence indicating that properly administered physical exercise can accelerate the process of healing on patients in a wide range of medical conditions (ranging from heart diseases to loco motor impairment) or assist older people maintain their health.-The results of the European Cardiac Rehabilitation Inventory Survey (2007) conducted in 19 European Countrie...
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While the enterprises that are working in the field of stored water are aware of the fact that stored or bottled water under some specific conditions (e.g. high temperature) may be dangerous for the human health, do not provide long-term solutions because of the knowledge gaps on how to tackle such incidents. The project, taking into consideration this fact, aims to develop the knowledge and skill...
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The project main idea is to develop training courses and distance learning system to increase business activity and creativity of university students, and to organize an informational support of their start-up projects in the frames of Start-up centers established at the universities. This will help students to gain knowledge and experience in innovation business, intellectual property rights prot...
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Le projet DEVEN3C a comme objectif principal d'encourager l’auto-emploi innovateur chez les étudiants comme perspective d’avenir professionnel, en établissant des services d'appui à la création des entreprises dans les universités et en promouvant l’enseignement entrepreneurial dans les cursus académiques des établissements à accès ouvert (facultés) selon la stratégie adoptée à cet égard par la ré...
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HETES addresses societal needs by training individuals capable of tackling environmental challenges.Wider objective: to improve relevance of higher engineering education in UA towards challenges of current and future industrial transformation aimed at sustainable development and climate stabilisationSpecific objectives:1)To develop training course Environmentally Sustainable Industrial Development...
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Europe is facing an accelerated climate change as a result of global warming and as a result population departure and consequent abandon of rural areas due to the increase floods, forest fire, lack of water, land slide, etc, and there is a need to find ways to support management of such hazards by providing adequate training on environmental security and management. Romania, Hungary, Estonia, Spai...
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Green technology has been for a while used as a buzz word but not many organizations, both private and public, are aware of implications and skills required. Furthermore the requirement to reduce the carbon footprint across EU has become compulsory and many organizations are looking to embrace green technology to meet this requirement not been aware of the actual skills and technology needs. The ...
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Much of the land in Europe is being degraded by human activity. Although in principle the land is a renewable resource, the natural processes that form it are very slow. Degraded land can take thousands of years to fully recover. Europe suffers an accelerated degradation of lands as a result of climate change and other causes such as land clearance, clear cutting and deforestation, agricultural de...
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Tourism is one of the world's fastest growing industries and an important source of foreign exchange and employment for many developing countries. In reviewing the first five years' implementation of Agenda 21 in 1997 at its nineteenth Special Session, the General Assembly indicated the need to give further consideration to the importance of tourism in the context of Agenda 21. In 2002, the World ...
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