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Green Technology European Virtual Gateway
Start date: Oct 1, 2012,

Green technology has been for a while used as a buzz word but not many organizations, both private and public, are aware of implications and skills required. Furthermore the requirement to reduce the carbon footprint across EU has become compulsory and many organizations are looking to embrace green technology to meet this requirement not been aware of the actual skills and technology needs. The project, taking into consideration these facts, aims to overcome this knowledge gap by providing in partnership with relevant enterprises, specific courses delivered in virtual environment to support development and deployment of green technology, improve carbon reduction and environmental impacts, support and promote ideas and concepts through spin-offs based on collaboration between University graduates and Industry. The University partners will transfer and valorize the expertise in the learning material support and enterprises and associations involved will inform such courses on industry requirements, advance and employment market needs. The training material will cover aspects related to waste management, green technology, environmental assessment, Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights, etc and will be advised by mentors from the industry. These will promote entrepreneurship, business start-ups and innovation skills among non-traditional learners. The project will promote the transfer of innovation from Universities to the enterprises and will support this by creating a virtual platform that will be a gateway for communication between HE and Enterprises on solving problems that require skills based on a open source approach. This portal will offer also placement within the consortium SMEs for graduates and also for developing prototypes based on HE-SME student collaboration. The consortium includes universities, SMEs, Non profit SAs, clusters from 6 countries. The impact of this project is provision of innovative skills and knowledge in the green technology.
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  •   362 455,00
  • Education and training\Life long learning (2007-2013)\ERASMUS\Cooperation between Universities and Enterprises
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform
Project Website

10 Partners Participants