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MSc Programme in Climate Change and Restoration of Degraded Land
Start date: Oct 1, 2012,

Much of the land in Europe is being degraded by human activity. Although in principle the land is a renewable resource, the natural processes that form it are very slow. Degraded land can take thousands of years to fully recover. Europe suffers an accelerated degradation of lands as a result of climate change and other causes such as land clearance, clear cutting and deforestation, agricultural depletion of soil nutrients through poor farming practices, livestock including overgrazing, inappropriate irrigation and over drafting, urban sprawl and commercial development, land pollution including industrial waste, vehicle off road, and quarrying of stone, sand, ore and minerals, among others.Therefore, there is a need to find ways to support management of this by providing adequate training on climate change and restoration of degraded land. Main deliverable 1. Integrated Masters modules program with clear learning outcomes and learning materials. The accredited modules in all participating countries will be jointly taught and included in an accredited MSc to be piloted at UPM, Spain. The program will available in EN, HU, EE, ES and RO, and will be delivered in an integrated manner using the European Credit and Accumulation Transfer System and Diploma Supplement, including mobility.2. Virtual Learning Platform that contains learning materials in a digital format including text, audio-material, images and video-material.3. Dissemination materials on digital support containing text, pictures and video-materials. 4. Tester workshops organized in participating countries.5. Teaching materials translated from ES into HU, EE, EN and RO.6. Jointly delivered MSc -RECLAND, piloted at UPM.Target group: Graduates of Forestry, Agronomy, Environmental Sciences, Business and Planning faculties who intend to specialize in climate change and degraded land.

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