Expert - Project Development & EU Funding Consultant in participatory processes
Project: Solid-liquid thermoelectric systems with uncorrelated properties Acronym: UncorrelaTEd - Programme Call: H2020-FETOPEN-2018-2020- (FET Open – Novel ideas for radically new technologies) Topic: FETOPEN-01-2018-2019-2020. Type of action: RIA. Project budget: EUR ,50 Beneficiary UNIVERSITAT JAUME I DE CASTELLON (Spain)), Duration: 48 months. Project. START DATE , END DATE
Project: REcognizing Skills to Transform Accessible Tourism, Acronym: RESTAT - Programme: Erasmus plus Ka2 Strategic Partnerships for VET | Innovation. Project budget: EUR 250,733 Beneficiary Comune di TUSA (IT), Duration: 30 months. Project. START DATE , END DATE
Project: E-STEAM - EQUALITY IN SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, ART AND MATHEMATICS, CODE: 2018-1-PT01-KA201-047422. Erasmus plus Ka2 Strategic Partnerships, Duration: 24 months. Project. START DATE , END DATE Project budget: EUR 185 543,00. Beneficiary Agrupamento de Escolas de Silves (Pt),
Project: Smart component of an irrigation systems. Acronym: IDROPLAN. SEP-210501517. Programme: H2020-SMEInst-2018-2020-1. Project budget: EUR SME instrument phase 1 call H2020-EIC-SMEInst-2018-2020 (H2020-SMEInst-2018-2020-1) of 8/02/2018 by Farm Technologies srl. Milano. Italy. Project was scored as a high-quality project proposal in a highly competitive evaluation process. Project was certificated of seal of excellence delivered by the European Commission, as the institution managing Horizon 2020
Project: Recovery and Recycling of nutrients turning wastewater into added-value products for a circular economy in agriculture. Acronym: Water2REturn. Programme: Horizon 2020. Duration: 01/06/2016 – 06/09/2019. Beneficiary: Bioazul (Spain). Project budget: EUR 7,129,
Project: Rights, Duties, Solidarity: European Constitutions and Muslim Immigration. Acronym: REM. Programme: Erasmus+. Duration: 12/12/2016 - 11/12/2019. Beneficiary t: Social cooperative CEIS formazione (Italy). Project budget: EUR 555,450.
Project: Eco-friendly ceramic membrane bioreactor (MBR) based on recycled Agricultural and industrial wastes for wastewater reuse. Acronym: REMEB. Programme: Horizon 2020. Duration: 09/2015-09/2019. Beneficiary: Sociedad de Fomento Agrícola Castellonense, (Spain).Budget: € 2,361,
Project: Fostering efficient water use in farming across Europe. Acronym: ; Programme: Horizon 2020. Duration: 01/ 2015 – 04/2015. Beneficiary IMDEA Water Foundation (Spain). Budget: € 2,603,505 (project approved but not funded for lack of budget).
Project: Naturalistic Restoration for the integrated hydraulic and Environmental sustainability of the Emilian Canals. Acronym: LIFE RINASCE- Programme: LIFE13 ENV / IT / 000169. Duration: 02/07/2014 - 12/21/2018. Beneficiary: Consorzio di Bonifica dell'Emilia Centrale (Italy). Budget: 2,076, €
Project: LowEnergyCities. Acronym: IMAGINE. Programme: Interreg IVC "Nord-Pas-de-Calais region". Duration: 01/01 / 2012- 12/31: EnergyCities (Brussels). Project budget: € 1,425,
Project: Raising Awareness on Climate Change and Energy Saving. Acronym: Programme: LIFE +. Duration: 01/01/2009 - 04/30/2011. Beneficiary: IBIMET-CNR (Italy). Budget: € 1,032,682.
Project: Climate Change Response through Managing Urban Europe-27 Platform- Acronym: CHAMP. Programme: LIFE07 ENV / FIN / 000138. Duration: 06 / 2009 - 04 / 2012. Task: Project management and coordination of Communication and dissemination of the project for Italy. Beneficiary: Union of the Baltic Cities (Poland). Budget: € 2, 033,
Project: European Sustainable Energy Communities - effective Integrated Local Energy Action today. Acronym: SUSTAINABLE NOW. Programme: IntelligentEnergyProgramme (IEE).Duration:09/2008 31/2011. Beneficiary: ICLEI EuropeanSecretariatGmbH (Germany). Budget: € 1,454,
Project: Developing and disseminating excellent mobility management Measures for young people. Acronym: CONNECT. Programme: IntelligentEnergy - Europe (IEE) STEER. Duration: 10/ 07-30/10. Beneficiary: Mobiel 21 (Belgium). Budget: € 1,438,
Project: Building in Europe Local Intelligent Energy Forums. Acronym: BELIEF. Programme: EIS (Intelligent Energies for Europe Europe). Duration: 01/2006 - 30/2008. Beneficiary: Energie-Cités (Belgium). Budget: € 2,539,
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From 3000 € / All Inclusive
European Proposal Preparation to Get Funding
Every steps necessary to prepare a winning proposal
The preparation of a proposal is no simple matter: a winning project idea must be identified, the right partners must be contacted and involved, the application form and all supporting documents must be duly filled out. Above all, outstanding coordination capacities and large experiences of proposal writing are essential for a successful submission. Applicants’ organisations often lack these competences, which makes the process much longer and complex.
This is where Up2Europe Experts come into play!
Up2Europe Experts provide support/fully undertake selected or the complete package of preparation tasks - from providing advice in the development of the project idea and goals, to partner search and consortium building, recurrent review and proof-reading, preparation of administrative documents, up to the actual submission to the financing agency. Up2Europe Experts bring added value to your proposal, by making sure it is clear and consistent, understandable and appealing for non-technical people, and that it meets the requirements of the selected call for proposals.
Thanks to their solid experience in proposal writing and project implementation, in the evaluation and review of project proposals, as wells as their deep knowledge of the priorities and the selection criteria of EU programmes and instruments, Up2Europe Experts ensure a smooth and effective preparation of your proposal, resulting in the submission of a high-quality proposal.
Need a more detailed description of this service? Contact one of the Up2Europe Experts.
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From 200 € / Per Day
Managing European Projects
An expert manage your project
Project Management is much more than drafting gantt charts and filling out budget sheets. It entails several tasks that requires time and specific skills, which are not always available in the beneficiaries’ organisations. But, good news: management tasks can be easily outsourced! An Expert can assist you throughout all phases of project implementation.
Up2Europe experts provide support/fully undertake selected or the complete package of project management tasks - ranging from resources and work planning, to coordination of the consortium, maintenance of a project repository, organisation of meetings, reporting, budget monitoring, etc. - allowing you to focus on the scientific and technical activities.
Thanks to their deep knowledge of project implementation and their solid experience in the management of projects in the framework of different EU funding programmes and instruments, they can ensure an effective and efficient achievement of set objective and results.
This is just a short description, if you need more details, please ask for a Quote!
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From 300 € / Per Day
Training on European Projects Management
Training courses on European Fundings
Training in courses and masters on European Project Management, project design, advisoring on direct and indirect European funds, presentation of various funding programmes, Project Cycle management techniques, implementation and financial reporting
We focus on a very practical approach with exercises thought for the individual needs and client case.
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From 300 € / Per Day
Funding Opportunity Report
All opportunities filtered by eligibility criteria
Is your project idea eligible for EU funding? Which calls for proposals or tenders can you apply for? And how much could you obtain? The Funding Opportunity Report can answer these questions! UP2EUROPE experts will scan through the most interesting and appropriate EU funding opportunities in European programmes and instruments, in order to identify those that are more relevant for your project proposal.
Funding opportunities are plentiful: calls for proposals are issued every week by the numerous EU bodies. Keeping track of each one these opportunities and recognising those that better match your project idea is not easy, but it is crucial to increase your chances of receiving the grant. Furthermore, the different programmes and instruments apply different rules in terms of partnership requirements, financing and co-financing amounts, activities that can be implemented and costs that may be included.
Thanks to their sound experience working with EU funding and their thorough knowledge of the eligibility criteria and requirements of EU programmes and instruments, and taking into account your current projects and future ambitions and your network of collaborators and partners, UP2EUROPE experts can support you in identifying the most relevant sources for funding your project ideas.
This is just a short description, if you need more details ask for a Quote!
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From 100 € / All Inclusive
Assistance Via Email/Chat/Phone
Direct support by email/chat/phone about European projects
The submission deadline is approaching and you still have doubts on the necessary support documents and their correct format or on the submission process itself? While preparing a project proposal you need a timely reply to questions regarding partnership requirements, the content of specific sections, or the eligibility of activities and costs?
An Up2Europe expert can resolve your doubts and answer your question in real time at any stage of the preparation and submission process.
By means of the service Live Support & Assistance on European Projects an UP2EUROPE expert provides real time support by email, chat or phone, easing the preparation and submission of your proposal and making sure you avoid the most common errors, increasing the chance of receiving the funds.
Adult Learning
Arts Education
Digital Culture
Visual Arts
Creative Europe
9 months ago
Low-Carbon Economy
Environmental protection
Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF)
Agricultural Biotechnology
Youth Workers
Creative Europe
Europe for Citizens
4 years ago
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