Andre Panzavolta
I'm a freelance/consultant responsible for planning and managing urban participatory projects. He is a planner of participatory processes, communication processes, knowledge base, decision making for defining plans of the territory through the inclusion of contributions from citizens and stakeholders. I promotes and facilitates complex and integrated processes: planning, projects, decision making, evaluation and communication process. My professional background it’s oriented towards child inclusion in participatory practises and participatory budgeting.
I like to use a lot of different approaches and techniques for facilitating participatory planning, communication as: Open Space Technology, European Awareness Scenario Workshop, Consensus Building, Focus Groups, interview, questionnaires, catchwords, Appreciative Inquiry, Search Conference, world cafè, maieutic questions, etc.
From 2019 i'm a member of the International Association of Facilitators - Certificate Number:
Personal Skills
Urban policy help me to approach both technical and social sciences. As a free lance i learned to evaluate complex situations, to understand results, weakness and strenghts. So i'm able to provide feedback, elaborate them and use brain storming to make suggestions for do better in the future. During the years i improve training methods as a coach and a team supporter. I like to prepare frameworks and to share it in group with other experts, and at the same to write project reports. I'm able to manage the technical and financial aspects of projects. I like to make grow common ideas, about new policy and new manners to dissemination purposes.
Public conflicts mediation, private conflicts mediation, mediation in work place, administrations communication service, team building, coaching, social communication expertise, Agile.