walid chadrawy
Sep 26, 2019
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
About Me
I'm a Ghanaian born citizen and I'm currently investing my resources and energy into curbing the serious degradation of deforestation in Africa and in particularly ;
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Ideas in Progress
Environmental protection
European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)
Paulownia trees are known as the fastest growing trees and they have the ability to absorb co2 more then any other known trees ever, they have unbelievable benefits to the environment on all aspects it's known as a miracle tree it's name is also known as Shantong or hybrid tree. The aim is protect the environment by creating massive plantations which I have already started nursing aroun...
5 years ago
5 years ago
Environmental protection
I'm currently in progress of planting 20,000 paulownia trees in Ghana west Africa I have acquired 50 acres of land and my vision is to work on all levels to curb the huge amount of deforestation especially in Ghana, and to help improve on the eco system balance by creating massive forestry to absorb co2 and to improve on fresh oxygen in the air plus protection against land slide due to deforestati...
5 years ago
5 years ago
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