Michal Braun
I am a professional devoted to fostering people's leadership and personal skills mostly in non-profit sector and NGO's capacity as well as public participation in democratic processes. I work as project proposal evaluator for the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency and a policy advisor for Polish Shadow Cabinet.
I have international experience - teaching local leaders in South India, working with high school students at a summerschool in the USA and prisoners and student during an European Voluntary Service project in Bolivia and later working for varius non-profits in Poland and other countries including France and United ;
I have been involved in work for social changes on various levels: local - being a leader of one the most active NGO's in the region and one of the creators of the local non-profit council and participatory budget, national - as a board member of Polish National Youth Council and a director of National NGO Federation and european - being a representative of Poland on many international events connected to youth politycy and third ;