Oil and Gas Institute - National Reseacrh Institute
Mar 16, 2018
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
About Me
Department of Environmental Protection
Range of activities:
- analysis of environmental hazards related to the activities of the oil and gas industry;
- developing and verifying environmental technologies in the oil and gas industry;
- monitoring environmental quality (air, waters and soils) in areas of hydrocarbon deposit exploration and extraction and in other industrial areas;
- testing wastewaters (including deposit waters and process fluids) and wastes (including drilling waste, waste after hydraulic fracturing) and assessment of their potential harmfulness to the environment;
- waste classification comprising preparation of the basic characteristic of waste;
- analysis of mercury contents in environmental samples (solid and liquid), gaseous mixtures and industry materiale;
- inventory of methane emission from the gas exploration, extraction, storage as well as transmission and distribution sector;
- assessment of the amount of GHG emissions;
- assessment of hydrocarbon fuel quality: natural gas, coke oven gas, gases produced in industry, biogas;
- comprehensive analysis of biogas, including analysis of silicon, chlorine and fluorine compounds;
- natural gas quality monitoring in the gas distribution system;
- tests of waste railway sleepers, used for their classification in terms of environmental safety;
- preparing and updating data sheets on hazardous substances and mixtures, in accordance with the current legal regulations;
- sampling of water, wastewaters, soils, wastes, natural gas, biogas and other type of gaseous mixtures.
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