Marcin Kautsch
Aug 3, 2017
About Me
I have been working in healthcare management consultansy business for more than 20 years.
I collaborated with local, regional and central authorities as well as with healthcare providers (hospitals) and consulting companies, including international ones.
Since 2009 I have been involved with public procurement of innovation, working on a series of projects in this area (low carbon, energy efficiency, e-health) financed by the European Commission.
I am looking for partners to work on the proposals to be submitted to the EU programmes like H200, COSME or alike.
Depending on the project I can find a suitable partnership in Poland, including end-users. I also have a broad network of partners in other EU countries.
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Ideas in Progress
Social Innovation
Low-Carbon Economy
Renewable Energy
Health Care
I am interested in exploring partnership possibilities to develop consortia running for the EU funded calls.
Healthcare is in the focus of my interest, though it can be understood as a ground for projects related to energy efficiency, IT solutions, sustainable development and alike.
I have a broad network of contacts in various EU countries, which I am happy to share with po...
Stare Miasto, 30-001 Kraków, Poland
6 years ago
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