Marshal Office of Świętokrzyskie Region in Poland
Dec 18, 2019
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
About Me
As a Department of Investment and Development in Marshal Office (POLAND) we are responsible for regional development. Currently we implement few international projects, mainly Interreg Europe (in the field of green energy, cultural heritage or entrepreneurship& microfinancing). So, we are interested in international cooperation in the aspect of regional development ( entrepreneurship support, silver economy, innovation, vocational education, cultural heritage, renewable Energy, health tourism, forests and forests protections as well as exchange of experiences in the field of active tourism in forests, etc.)
Keywords and matching areas:
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Ideas in Progress
Entrepreneurship and SMEs
International Cooperation
Development and Cooperation
Regional Policy
Adult Learning
Transnational cooperation
If you are looking for regional administration as a partner in international projects, we are open to cooperate. Such initiatives as Visegrad funds, Interreg, COSME, etc. are interesting for us especially in the field of entrepreneurship, youth,seniors support, also cultural heritage and any other ideas that develop the region.
Feel free to contact with me.
Kielce, Poland
4 years ago
4 years ago
Entrepreneurship and SMEs
International Cooperation
Development and Cooperation
Regional Policy
Adult Learning
Transnational cooperation
We are open for joining as a partner in projects that are operating in a field of regional development: entrepreneurship support, SME`s, tourism, health&spa tourism, youth support, cultural heritage, etc.
Kielce, Poland
5 years ago
5 years ago
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