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Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative (C.O.T.R.) for multiple contracts valued at over $7 million, total/Managed staff of 106 individuals, including licensed professionals, clerical, bookkeeping, and support staff, as well as day-to-day operations of 3 major and 5 smaller contractors for Operations, on-call services, preventative maintenance, and repair and installation of HVAC and related equipment and services. Managed HVAC needs for a portfolio of over 350 buildings, including Public Schools, Police and Fire Stations, Parks and Recreation sites, Family, Battered Women, and Homeless Shelters, and Municipal Buildings Conducted surveys and assessments of entire building HVAC systems and occupied and mechanical spaces Successfully integrated
Operations, Contract Services, and Preventative Maintenance divisions within the Department, and assumed overall management responsibilities for all 3 divisions Primary Human Resources contact for Operations, Contract Services, and Preventative Maintenance divisions. Worked closely with agency H.R. Director, as well as Union Representatives on Disciplinary, hiring, firing, and promotion issues. Authorized changes in work assignment locations, shifts, etc., for all personnel. Member of Contracts Assessment and Selection Committee for Major and Minor Contracts Collect and analyzes statistical information on facility structural, mechanical, and electrical components such as space construction and usage, electrical loads and needs, and adequacy of mechanical equipment and humidification. This information is collected for the SI-wide computerized facility management information system (MIS) and published on the SI Intranet. Enforce federal mandates of resource conservation, sustainability and management of natural resources. Investigate the application of equipment and construction methods which will reduce energy and water consumption, e.g. insulation of buildings; modification of building lighting systems to provide more illumination with less power, application of economizers or heat exchange equipment in utilities plants and in production equipment; off-peak operation or load shedding of equipment to reduce electrical demand; and sizing of mechanical and electrical equipment for minimum energy consumption Prepare documents for the development of construction packages. Projects include critical documentation, of which the success of the project is dependent, and requires the review of unusual or controversial data where no directly applicable technical information is available. Projects involve determining total project considerations such as alternatives, cost economic analysis, feasibility