Balkan Development Center
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
Association/Organization ˝Balkan Development Center˝ is a non-governmental and non-profit association founded to achieve goals in the field of development of civil society and non-profit sector in Serbia, protection and promotion of human and minority rights, education, information, social protection and with the aim to promote and apply modern approaches in planning and managing development at local and regional level by incorporating into processes that involve spatial, economic, social development and environmental protection.
The goal of the ˝Balkan Development Centre˝ is achieved through respecting sustainable development principles, good governance principles and contribution to the achievement of the Millennium Goals. In achieving the goal, a wide range of planned, business, educational and other relevant tools and instruments will be used.
The long-term goals of the Association are:
Support capacity building and reform process at local and regional level, support in taking on new roles, competencies and tasks in the processes of decentralization and socio-economic development with the rational use of available resources, taking into account the fight against poverty and the needs of vulnerable and marginal groups of the population and the promotion of regional development and inter-municipal cooperation.
The Balkan Development Center participated in the realization of a large number of projects funded by various donors and foundations.