Municipality of Prrenjas
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
Municipality of Prrenjas is located in Republic of Albania and is bordered to north by the MunicipaIity of Librazhd ,east of the Republic of Macedonia ,to the south with the Municipality of Pogradec and to the west by the Municipality of Elbasan.
Municipality of Prrenjas consists of one municipality and three administrative city center is the town of Prrenjas and 26 villages.
General data and contacts:
Country : Albania
Population : 33 002
Area : km2
E-mail :
Postal Code :3403-3404
To provide affordable quality services ,alleviate poverty ,and facilitate social and economic development in the Prrenjas Municipality are through integrated development planning , skills development and the sustainable use of resources.
A. Local Infrastructure and Public Service
-Road infrastructure
-Management of Urban Waste
-Capital Investiments in Infrastructure
-Irrigation and Drainage.
in the Social ,Cultural and Sports field.
-Social Service and Social Care
-Social Inclusion
-Gender equality
-Social housing
Economic Development
-Strategic Planes
-Territorial planning ,Land Administration
-Public Private Partnership at Local Level
-Protection and development of forest,pastures and natural resources in local goverrment
Order and Civil Security
-Fire Protection
-Civil Protection
Priority of Prrenjas Municipality
- Development of the indistry and mainly the mining direction , in extracting minerals such as chromium ,iron this was the reason for the establishmen of the city of Prrenjas the municipality aims to develop this sector again.
- Development of mount tourism .In the territory of the municipality there are great natural resources ,which is why this part is to be developed
- The livestok and the agricultural direction arew prioritized ,creating spaces.
- Necessary and proper support of farmers that make up about 60 % of society.
- Creating a logistic Center in the town of Prrenjas as a key link to link Albania with border countries such as Republic of Macedonia.
- Development and creation of opportunities for vocational the necessary training of proffesionals for the implementation of the industrial zone.
- Construction of social housing centers .
of Prrenjas is selected as a partner for implementationn of the Regional Programme for Local Democracy in Western Balkans (ReLOaD ) in value of 100 000 eur.
collaboration with the Italian -Albania Development Cooperation Programme IADSA ,(Debt for Development Swap Program) Municipality of Prrenjas is fund beneficting of 350 000 eur for the project "Social Inclusion through the multi-functional center in Prrenjas "Sadi Haliti"
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