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The Hungarian Gypsy Missions is an independent mission branch of the Hungarian Pentecostal
Church, which has been active among Gypsies in this country since 1996. Its head office is in Békés,
but the activities of the mission organisation cover the territory of the whole country. The number of
our co-workers is approximately 1000, 60% of these being of Romany extraction.
GypsyAid has been supporting underprivileged people for a number of years, principally Romany
people. The recently opened Pepita Gift Shop with headquarters in Békés, as a champion of
conscious charity, helps the needy by using its whole income for this purpose.
The home assistance service will provide basic social care for 13,000 beneficiaries. It is present at
this time in 150 towns and villages providing social services via 17 sites.
In the field of education and child welfare, we have access to more than 350 children and students in
the creches, nursery schools, elementary and vocational schools maintained by HGMI.
HGMI regards providing help to underprivileged people, including Romanies, to be of especial
priority, in the mental, physical, education and lifestyle areas alike.
In 2012, the HGMI took on a new area of responsibility, in public and adult education. The Mission
founded the Message of Hope Centre for Institution Maintenance. The public education institution it
maintains pursues educational-training work in four types of institution at present: a nursery school,
an elementary school, a vocational school, and an elementary art school.
The goal of the Message of Hope Centre for Institution Maintenance is that its co-workers carry out
educational-training work with an innovative approach in its educational institutions, which includes:
• religious education (offering mental and psychological help)
• upgrading
• talent care
• nationality value mediation
• family support
• social disadvantage reduction
• resource exploitation
• professional, methodological excellence.
Institutional units participating in the project:
1. Message of Hope Institution Strawberry Garden Nursery School:
Age: 3–7 years old
The institution is a 5-group nursery school. Number of children is 75, 44 of which are girls. More than
90% of the children attending the institution are of Romany extraction, 28% are underprivileged, 67%
have multiple disadvantages.
2. Message of Hope Eötvös József Elementary School:
Age: 6–14 years old
Teaching is underway in 8 school years, in 11 classes. Number of pupils is 204, 93 of which are girls.
More than 80% of the students attending the institution are of Romany extraction, 13% are
underprivileged, 17% have multiple disadvantages.
Its educational institutions have specialised experience in the training and education of
underprivileged children and those with multiple disadvantages. Its educators are highly qualified
professionals. Thanks to their calling, their multifaceted methodological preparedness, and their
innovative approach, they contribute high added educational value to the children’s/students’
The institution has gained the recognition of its professional partners on numerous occasions. Our
educational-training work carried out among underprivileged and/or Romany students is recognised
in broad professional circles. The Message of Hope Eötvös József Elementary School was given the
title of “Educational Authority Base Institution” in 2017. The Education Authority has concluded a
collaboration agreement with the Strawberry Garden Nursery School for participation in the special
project “Support for social upgrading and integrative public education
measures (Opportunity creating nursery school)”, as well as with the Eötvös József Elementary
School for “Support for institutions threatened with student ;
Tender activity:
2012–2018: IPR, ÚTRAVALÓ, NTP, Határtalanul, IFJ-GY, TÁMOP, EFOP
Number of tenders won: 26
Sum of grants from won tenders: close to HUF 65 million.
Goals met: integrative education scheme, artistic talent care, study trips at home and abroad, Macika
grant scheme, woodland nursery school/school, complex institutional exercise plans, engaging
nannies, strengthening natural science competencies, establishment of child friendly
environmental/study space, development of digital device pool, support for social integration of young
people, as well as acquisition of the necessary materials for achieving the goals.