FITT - Timis County Youth Foundation
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Timis County Youth Foundation (FITT) is an umbrella organization for youth NGOs in the west part of Romania. With more than 30 Youth NGO members and 28 years old, FITT is the most important and old youth NGO in this part of the ;The Programmes and activities implemented by FITT range from social programmes for disadvantaged young people to cultural programmes, active citizenship and policy development (local and national level).
FITT, in itself, is a model of democratic behaviour, being administrated by a General Assembly made of all the youth NGOs in Timis County (West part of Romania).
We have in possession Timisoara Youth House - which has had since 2016 the Quality Label for Youth Centres from the Council of Europe. So, we are one of the 13 such Youth Centres in Europe that have this Accreditation and the only one in ;Our Youth House (an impressive building of m²) has, among other facilities, the following: 7 seminar rooms, 2 IT rooms, one coworking space, a cinema, a spectacle room, 3 dancing rooms, theatre studio, art gallery, concert garden, a hotel/accommodation (for volunteering project, youth exchange and trainings – but also for renting), restaurant, art-music club, gym (fitness) and a ;
We are also members of the Regional Youth Network, European Network of Youth Centers, Romanian Youth Council, National Network of youth foundations from Romania, the Local Advisory Council on Youth Affairs and Timisoara European Capital of Culture Association.
FITT is one of the 7 members of the National Working Group on Structured Dialogue, having a very good cooperation with the Ministry of Youth and Sports and being one of the most important contributors for the National Report of the 6th cycle of the EU Structured Dialog with Young People which was the Romanian input for the European Commission’s draft proposal on the new EU Youth Strategy.
We focus on youth participation, local and national youth policies and on promoting the European values that are so important to youth nowadays.
The Youth House is the main place where different local NGOs meet and develop events for young people, we are activating as a real youth ;
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