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Timiș County Energy Management Association is an energy management organization established, with Intelligent Energy Europe support, by the Timiș County Council involving other five other partners: Timișoara Municipality, Owner Associations Federation Timișoara, COLTERM – Timișoara thermal energy supplier, “Politehnica” University of Timișoara and Timiș County Chamber of Commerce, Industry and ;
Recognising the crucial role of energy efficiency for economic development and the climate changes issues in Europe and understanding the important contribution of sustainable energy production and use can sustain to a positive economic and environmental development, Timiș County Council initiated Timiș County Energy Management Association establishment.
The Association’s main objective is to contribute to the sustainable development of the Timis County, by promoting energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources, energy being an extremely important factor which affects all aspects of development – social, economic and environmental.
Timis County is the largest county in Romania, situated in the west region of the country. The county is bordered on the north by Arad County, on the east by Hunedoara County, on the southeast by Caras Severin County on the west by Csongrad County (Hungary) and on the southwest by Voievodina Province (Serbia).