Fo.Co. Onlus
Looking for Partnership
is an ONLUS located in Sicily (south of Italy). Its main fields of interest are promoting the respect of basic freedoms, rights, political and economic independence, equitable and sustainable development and self-determination of peoples and individuals, implementing activities for development cooperation, humanitarian aid, education and any other appropriate actions.
The Cooperative provides a range of services:
• Welfare services for asylum seekers/refugees: mediation, legal assistance, and social assistance
• Literacy service (Italian language) for adult and minors asylum seeker/refugees
• Educational services (after-school activities) for underage’s and young of a Correctional Youth Centre
• Management and reporting of SPRAR Projects (Italian national system for the reception of asylum seekers and refugee) in the Municipality of Chiaramonte Gulfi, Vittoria and Petrosino.
• Professional Training Courses: it was established the Mediterranean Training and Study Center G. La Pira, in partnership with Migrantes Foundation and La Pira Foundation, that will provide professional training for social operators, institutional actors working with refugees and special training on the inter-cultural mediation for asylum seekers and ; •Encourage territorial development and increase the value of the territory: projects aimed at the self-sustainable enhancement of the assets of Chiaramonte Gulfi’s municipality with touristic and educational purposes, and the full enjoyment of artistic / cultural assets and its related services. Specifically, it proposes the formation and acquisition of skills to form a group of young people between 18 and 35 years that will directly manage public goods with historical and cultural value in Chiaramonte ; • Adult Education Center: in agreement with the Provincial Center for Adult Education of Ragusa is qualified to provide literacy courses designed to enable students (both Italian or migrants) to achieve the language certification A1, A2 and B1, as well as to obtain the middle school ; • European Projects (Strategic Partnership) in the field of education, training, ;