ASD Gruppo Atletico Polisportivo Castelbuonese
Looking for Partnership
GRUPPO ATLETICO POLISPORTIVO CASTELBUONESE is an Amateur Sports Association founded in 1994 with the purpose to promote the practice of sport. It is a no profit Association and has its headquarters in Castelbuono (Palermo-Sicily); the Amateur Sports Association is specialized in the preparation and development of competitive runners and amateur races (road, cross and trail).
GRUPPO ATLETICO POLISPORTIVO CASTELBUONESE was born from the passion of a group of young people for a historical competition (Giro Podistico Internazionale di Castelbuono), which has its roots in 1912. This group of people decided to create the Amateur Sports Association to continue the tradition, giving more prestige to a sports event known and loved not only in the city of Castelbuono but also throughout the athletics community, and to promote sports events and activities among young people and the local population.
Gruppo Atletico Polisportivo Castelbuonese for more than 40 years organises the race “GIRO PODISTICO INTERNAZIONALE DI CASTELBUONO – LA CORSA SU STRADA PIU’ ANTICA D’EUROPA” (International running race of Castelbuono “Race road more ancient of Europe).
The race is an authentic sports heritage that, for spectacle and history, has no equal in Italy. It takes place on July 26 of each year during the celebrations in honour of the Patron of Castelbuono Saint Anne.
During last years the Association organized and implemented different amateur races in the historical centre of Castelbuono and in January 2019 Gruppo Atletico Polisportivo Castelbuonese received from the Italian Federation of Athletics a prestigious award, the "Athletics is tradition".
During last years (2018-2022), A.S.D. Gruppo Atletico Polisportivo Castelbuonese managed as Applicant 2 Erasmus+ Projects:
- Project "START - Sport TrAining to Run Together" (Project Code 590484-EPP-1-2017-1-IT-SPO-SSCP), a Small Collaborative Partnership project funded by Erasmus+ Programme Sport actions. The Project had the main aim to develop and share within the partnership the use of the language and the methodology of Sport as a tool for integration and socio-cultural inclusion, strengthening the skills of the operators. The Project implemented different activities: a transnational training, local training days and START Sport days in each country involved in the partnership and created 3 main outputs: the Handbook START Project Transnational Training, the National Videos of START Project and a Long Video of START Project.
For more information about START projects, its focus, objectives and outputs created we invite to visit:
- the website of START Project
- the facebook page dedicated to START Project
- the twitter account dedicated to START Project
- Project "MOVE – MOVing togEther” (Project Code 613073-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-SPO-SSCP), a Small Collaborative Partnership project funded by Erasmus+ Programme Sport actions. The Project had the main aim to raise awareness and knowledge in young generations (children and adolescents) and their educators on the capacity of Sport to oppose and combat intolerance and discrimination, promoting social inclusion, equal opportunities as well as offering important benefits for physical and psychological health. The Project implemented different activities: a peer transnational meeting, local labs and Sport events in the countries of the partnership and created 3 main outputs: the Toolkit MOVE Project, The National Videos “National Experience of MOVE Project”and the Long Video-story “MOVE Project”.
For more information about MOVE project, its focus, objectives and outputs created we invite to visit:
- the website of MOVE Project -together.eu
- the facebook page dedicated to MOVE Project /MOVEmovingtogether
- the instagram account dedicated to MOVE Project /move_movingtogether/
Moreover the Association participated as Partner in the Erasmus+ Project called “SPURT – Sport for Reunion of Generations” (Project Code 612949-EPP-1-2019-1-LT-SPO-SSCP) promoted by Lithuanian Organization BLASK - Birzu lengvosios atletikos sporto klubas (Lithuania – Partner)
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