Manuela Parlato
Mar 5, 2019
Looking for Partnership
About Me
We are a vocational school in Enna with different sectors: fashion, gastronomy, hospitality and mechanics.
We have different Erasmus projects in progress: "Agenda 2030: That's our challenge", about sustainability and "The guardians of Europe" about food, fitness and health.
We're looking for universities to join an Erasmus sport project (deadline 05/04/2019)
Keywords and matching areas:
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Ideas in Progress
Your territory as a powerful source : skiing and swimming to live your own land
Education, Training Centre or School
Environmental protection
Transnational cooperation
Our students come from difficult economic familiar situation and are all living in the core of Sicily where they don't have chances to skii or swim. they can't afford these two activities as a real sport. We would like to join a university which is running this type of project and allow our students to enter in contact with nature(the mount Etna and our beautiful sea)
94100 Enna, Province of Enna, Italy
6 years ago
6 years ago
Looking for a University partner to join dealing with an Erasmus sport project.
We are partner with the University " Kore" of Phisical education in Enna. (Italy, Sicily)
94100 Enna, Province of Enna, Italy
6 years ago
6 years ago
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