VITECO e-Learning Solutions
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VITECO is an Italian SME located in Italy. Its staff is formed by professionals with engineering and business administration backgrounds. It is a software and elearning provider working both with national customers and European partners in EU projects.
VITECO is a provider of technologies for long-distance training. It has its own elearning platform and a solid expertise on open source platforms. Its core business is based on VET and development of web-based solutions for collaborative learning and educational content management with a special focus on issues related to hard and soft skills development.
VITECO supplies complete and integrated solutions built around different target users’ needs. Thanks to the experience gained throughout the years in the domain of knowledge and content management, VITECO makes it possible for private companies and public agencies to develop their own “store of knowledge”, obtaining significant competitive advantage. Its products are simple and intelligent platforms, which give users access to a great variety of contents and to the “elearning experience” without requiring specific IT competences. VITECO is fully engaged also with social networks, blogs and elearning that supports learning initiatives of wide range groups. It is conducting training and elearning courses for unemployed and disadvantaged groups of people.
VITECO operates in Sicily, the largest Italian region, that is currently facing a very difficult social situation and large social disparities, high level of unemployment both among young people and adults. The socio-economic situation that the region is experiencing imposes the necessity to rethink how to approach unemployed people focusing on issues such as innovation, creativity, business and entrepreneurship. People must be able to reinvent themselves, get involved, do not perceive the crisis as a threat but as an opportunity for growth.
Its European Project Office has been working in the preparation and implementation of several EU projects and many regional projects for more than 20-years, both as coordinator and partner. Thus, it is fully capable to provide both technical, operational and management support during the lifetime of the project.
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Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Disadvantaged People
Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF)
Education and Training
Adult Learning
Lifelong Learning
Video Games
Creative Europe
Migrants and Refugees
3 years ago
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