JO Consulting
Looking for Partnership
JO Consulting is a consulting company with expertise in EU and structural funds, active in Italy and Europe since 1998 and specialised in business plan development and in European projects preparation and ;
It is part of JO Group, a cluster of companies and non for profit organisations focused on business consulting & support to startups and aspiring entrepreneurs, ICT & e-learning technologies, web & mobile applications development, marketing and communication.
Its European Project Office has been working with EU-funded projects for more than 20 years, both as coordinator and partner, under Horizon 2020, ISF Police, LLP, 7FP, IEE, ERASMUS+ programmes, thus is fully capable to provide technical, operational and management support during the lifetime of the project.
These projects are mainly focused on training and trasfer of knowledge about entrepreneurship, with a particular focus on the integration of disadvantaged groups of people such as young unemployed people, women and those living in peripheral communities. Its core business is based on VET and development of web-based solutions for collaborative learning and educational content management with a special focus on the development of hard and soft skills in several fields.
JOC operates in Sicily, the largest Italian region, currently having very difficult social situation and large social disparities, high level of unemployment both among young people and adults. The socio-economic situation that our region is experiencing imposes the necessity to rethink how to approach unemployed people focusing on issues such as innovation, creativity, business and entrepreneurship. People must be able to reinvent themselves, get involved, do not perceive the crisis as a threat but as an opportunity for growth.
In this contexts, JOC offers a concrete support to startups and aspiring entrepreneurs that want to start their journey towards entrepreneurship, offering consulting services to companies, associations and public bodies to get structural funds made available by several Regional, National and European calls for proposal.
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Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Start Up
Capacity Building
Social Innovation
Social Affaires and Inclusion
Education and Training
Adult Learning
Project Management
Business Development
3 years ago
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