Golubac Fortress Ltd
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
The company „Fortress Golubac“ Ltd. was founded by the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Municipality of Golubac, on the basis of the Article 14, Paragraph 3 of the Law on Tourism (The Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, Issues 36/09 and 88/2010), and of the Article 104, Paragraph 1 and 106 of the Law on Business Companies (The Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, Issue 125/04). The Company’s headquarters are in Golubac.
“Fortress Golubac” Ltd. deals with tourism development in the Republic of Serbia and represents the form of governance of the touristic area of the same name. “Fortress Golubac” Ltd. also has the function of preserving and developing the touristic area.
The cultural-historic and natural unit of Golubac Fortress is a unique and indelible functional whole made of natural (the natural reserve Golubac Fortress) and created resources (the medieval fortress and the archaeological site in its proximity), and valuables significant for tourism, an area which – due to its characteristics, value and priority touristic purpose – received a special regime of organisation, structure, usage and protection. On the basis of the Law on Tourism, the Government of the Republic of Serbia declared this unit Touristic Area “Fortress Golubac” on the 3rd of June, 2011.
The main touristic attraction of the Touristic Area is represented by the immobile cultural asset – the medieval fortress “Golubac”.The total territory of the Touristic Area is the size of ,32 m2 and it falls entirely within the territory of the Municipality of Golubac.
The Touristic Area “Fortress Golubac”, as an organised thematic cultural-historic whole, will represent – together with the restored Fortress – a cultural-historic, economic, artistic, and touristic centre, as well as a coordinated system of research, protection, preservation, and touristic offer of the medieval fort and its attractions, which will contribute to the accelerated and perspective development of the Municipality of Golubac and the Djerdap region, and ensure a better quality of life for its ;