Radmila Radosavljević
Education and Training
Environmental protection
Feb 27, 2020
About Me
Ја сам инжењер заштите животне средине и занимања. Радим на пројектима / темама везаним за развој друштвених иновација, културно подржавање тржишта, архитектуру, образовање и обуку младих.
Консултант, руководилац пројекта.
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Ideas in Progress
Environmental protection
Sustainable Tourism
Education and Training
I am an environmental engineer. I work on projects / topics related to the development of social innovations, cultural support of the market, architecture, education and training of young people, tourism promotion, preservation of ecology.
If you need my help and contribution please contact me.
Užice, Serbia
4 years ago
4 years ago
Environmental protection
Sustainable Tourism
Education and Training
The idea primarily incudes the promotion of tourisam. The first goal is to create the capacity to start tourism, the location exists. The second goal is to organize visit of tourists, visit will be based on manifestation, events, travels and tours of the countries.
Užice, Serbia
4 years ago
4 years ago
Environmental protection
Education and Training
I am an environmental and occupation safety work on project/ topics related to social innovation development cultural market support, architecture, young education and training.
Consultant, project menager.
Užice, Serbia
4 years ago
4 years ago
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