Looking for Partnership
Vodena Ltd. is a company for development of complex software systems that include data acquisition and analysis, computer modeling and simulations, and rich user applications. Established as a spin-off company of the Faculty of Science University of Kragujevac, Vodena has gained the experience in developing software in wide variety of areas, ranging from hydro science to bioengineering.
Using the expertise and knowledge of our experts, gained in collaboration with many international universities and companies, through national and EU projects, we are able to deliver projects in the following areas:
Software development
Desktop and web applications
Open-source and proprietary technologies
Advanced algorithms
Computer modeling and simulations
Finite element method
Finite difference method
Discrete event system simulations
Evolutionary algorithms
Multi-objective optimization
- Linear programming
We offer a broad range of services to our clients, successfully carrying out:
- Research and development projects
- System design and specification
- Implementation, testing and integration
- Consulting services
- Training and support services
References available on request.