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34 European Projects Found

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Mobility Roadmap in Industry 4.0 to foster innovation in the SMEs

Start date: Oct 3, 2016, End date: Oct 2, 2018,

The project MAPPING 4.0 "Mobility Roadmap for Industry 4.0 to foster innovation in the SMEs" originates from the training needs expressed by the manufacturing sector in connection with the introduction and progressive statement of changes related to the theme of the Industry 4.0 within the processes production of industrial and non-industrial, such as handicraft, organisation of work.This paradigm ...
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FORMATION HORLOGER III -synergie Belgique Franche Comté

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Our project is called « horology training III – collaboration Belgium and Franche Comté”In this project, AFPA enterprise will welcome 44 of our final-year students studying clock-making in order to give them a professional training during a fortnight. They will learn how to verify the cleanliness and freedom of mobile of the exhaust, then to ensure mechanical functions up limiting losses of the e ...
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The new way... Edutainment

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

The underachievement and media illiteracy has been two of the main issues faced by the young people we work with. The school school dropout, in addition to the lack of financial resources, happens by the lack of connection between the student its educational system. They are inserted in huge classes, where there is no space for working individual talents and non-formal methods.We want, to find a s ...
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Go&Learn - network enhancement

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

> CONTEXT/BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT - RATIONALE The G&L initiative ( has proved to be of great interest for participants as well as hosting companies and public bodies sponsoring them. In Italy G&L agencies and workgroups have been set up in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Metropolitan area of Bologna, Umbria, Marche; in the EU, agencies have been set up in Belgium (East Flanders), Germa ...
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FORMATION HORLOGER II -synergie Belgique Franche Comté

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Our project is called « horology training – collaboration Belgium and Franche Comté” In this project, AFPA enterprise will welcome 24 of our final-year students studying clock-making in order to give them a professional training during a fortnight. They will learn how to verify the cleanliness and freedom of mobile of the exhaust, then to ensure mechanical functions up limiting losses of the ener ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The Advantage project is mainly intended to promote the role of the young man with special needs ( disabled young people , young people with special educational needs and young people with social disabilities ) by promoting educational , communicational and structural innovative and flexible strategies to facilitate their entry in the labor market , access to opportunities for training or retraini ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

Amfi intended a project to promote youth exchange on the theme of non-discrimination, gender equality and equal opportunities for men and women direct to n. 60 boys between the ages of 14-17 years . The aim is to promote the culture of rights, the culture of equality and non-discrimination as values. The project aims to achieve these goals through innovative methodologies and non-formal education ...
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Movil'FP Mobilité européenne et formation professionnelle

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

The Region is responsible for the organization and financement of vocational training for young people (school leavers) and adults. It observes that VET-learners - especially the less-qualified - have less opportunities to European mobility. It then decided to build up a program to increase the European dimension within the training it funds. This program fits perfectly with the priorities of t ...
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The present application is submitted by for the practical learning and training of the specialty of Electricians. The need for the materialization lies in the weakness of the Educational System in Greece, to provide the students with the ability of practical training, simulation to real working conditions in companies relevant to the field of Electrical Engineeri ...
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As part of the project, the staff of the Foundation - 2 people (staff responsible for vocational education and training) will take part in training, Job Shadowing type / observation work abroad. Planned mobility of staff of the Foundation include visits to four organizations involved in education and / or training. Organizations covered by the mobilities are: - Association Nationale de formation P ...
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trEAT better for yourself

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

Our Youth Exchange Project named “trEAT better for yourself” will be held in Turkey / Ankara province with totally 40 participants from Turkey, Spain, Hungary, Greece, Estonia and Romania. The age range of the participants is 18 – 30. This Project has emerged due to some special reasons such as the increasing number of unhealthy diet of people especially in recent years, the loss of traditional v ...
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A new life, a new future ''Yeni Bir Hayat Yeni Bir Gelecek''

Start date: May 7, 2015, End date: Nov 6, 2015,

AHİ YOUTH GROUP/KIRŞEHİR We are going to organize a new project named ''A NEW LIFE, A NEW FUTURE'' between 09-17 August 2014, as Ahi youth group. Our project will be occured in Turkey/Kırşehir. TURKEY-ROMANIA-AZERBAIJAN-UKRAINE-ITALY- GREECE Our project will be organized in the consept of youth exchange programme with 40 participants.7 people ( 6 participants + 1 group leader) will participate ...
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Im Anschluss an eine Analyse des Arbeitsmarktes der Großregion, der die Schwächen desselben preisgibt – eine hohe Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Lothringen und Luxemburg, sowie ein großer Fachkräftemangel im Saarland und in Rheinland-Pfalz – möchte das Projekt KIWI die Bedürfnisse der Unternehmen mit dem regionalen und überregionalen Fachkräftepotential in spezifischen Sektoren (Industrie, Handwerk, Pf ...
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The project SERENA insists on the MDL and the existing network of SPI to strengthen the attractiveness of the large number of jobs in the boating sector and its supply chain. The project involves the whole cooperation area (Liguria, 2 provinces Tuscany, Sardinia and Corsica). The project aims to improve and qualify the cooperation between border areas in terms of accessibility and enhancement of t ...
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Une approche transfrontalière de la Validation des Acquis de lExpérience devient nécessaire afin, dune part, de renforcer le potentiel et la cohésion économique et sociale et dautre part davoir une lisibilité des systèmes de certification de lexpérience acquise qui soit ainsi transférables dun Etat à un autre par le biais daccords de reconnaissance mutuelle des qualifications. Le projet VAE en zon ...
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Grenzüberschreitendes Weiterbildungspark (PAMINA Weiterbildungspark)

Start date: Jun 30, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

Ziel des Projekts ist es, im Rahmen eines grenzübergreifenden regionalen Netzwerks gemeinsame Qualifizierungsangebote umzusetzen und damit einen Beitrag zur Transparenz und Durchlässigkeit des grenzüberschreitenden Arbeitsmarkts zu leisten. Im Einzelnen geht es darum, gemeinsame Modalitäten zur Anerkennung von Kompetenzen aus beruflicher Erfahrung zu entwickeln sowie gemeinsame Weiterbildungsmodu ...
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Sauvegarder et transmettre les « savoir faire » liés à la restauration de larchitecture traditionnelle, promouvoir les connaissances traditionnelles sous légide des professionnels, créer une offre de formation correspondante, mobiliser les territoires autour dun patrimoine porteur dune identité culturelle forte, développer le tourisme culturel, renforcer loffre de main doeuvre. ...
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Lobjectif de ce projet est le développement, conjoint et transnational, des technologies de linformation et de la communication en vue den faire un véritable instrument au service de lexploitation des potentialités de nos régions rurales. Le but est de contribuer a lamélioration de la qualité de vie et au recul de lexode rural.Il sagira de définir les principes, les méthodes, les moyens requis pou ...
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Favoriser la collaboration transfrontalère du Département des Alpes-Maritimes et de la Province d'Impéria dans le domaine du travail et des services favorisant l'emploi et la carriere des citoyens-usagers des deux territoires. Achievements: Activités du comité de gesti ...
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L'AFPA, primario organismo di formazione francese per adulti, intende favorire l'accesso di tutti i cittadini al diritto fondamentale alla formazione professionale. I «bar delle scienzea» sono dei nuovi luoghi da incontro per la cultura scientifica. Essi hanno lo scopo di far uscire la scienza dagli abituali luoghi di discussione, (le università o le sale di conferenze) e di favorire il dialogo e ...
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This project combines three-related and key areas of provision ; training which leads to a joint qualification, affording participants a better understanding of business and finance in a European context and improved, inter-regional job mobility; workplacements, including linguistic and cultural preparation and with an emphasis on finding permanent work (salaried or self/employed) in the partner c ...
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Since almost 10 years, ICTs have increased, particularly in the education area, and specifically in higher education. Adult education and apprentiship training are not taking enough advantages of the e-learning capacities. Most of educational experiences using ICTs are very rarely concerning sandwich education, although for a majority of students from level V to IV (pre to graduated), their divers ...
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 FINISHED that both tools can be refined, adding extra elements such as personal features, medical issues, and providing a link to training. The VDAB set up a consortium with the UK (Cascaid), France (INOIP-AFPA) and Belgium (GO!), as these partners have a lot of expertise within the field of vocational orientation tools. CASCAiD, a British non-profit organisation that works under the wings of a universi ...
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In an effort to maintain and enhance technical and product development skills in the European fashion/clothing industry, the project will develop and introduce digital course material for vocational training in this field, in three European countries. The project, TELESTIA II, is closely related to two previously funded Leonardo projects, namely TELESTIA I and ARACHNE, which developed Open and Dis ...
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The DROA project aims to improve career guidance and advice as a means of improving lifelong learning and employment by setting up a network at two levels and making it permanent: an intra-regional network of local career guidance counsellors and advisors in a given region (one or two regions for each of the partner regions, or eight regions in total) and an institutional inter-regional network co ...
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The aim of ´Virtual Work´ is to develop a distance learning system to transfer new managerial skills and qualifications to small and medium-sized enterprises, potential entrepreneurs in the services sector and professional free-lancers working in new work environments that increasingly rely on NICT. The project focuses on providing support for teleworking skills to groups based in rural areas, ma ...
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The project aims at developing and piloting instruments for the documentation of informally acquired competences within the Europass CV.
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The CERN project network will set up a research and dissemination programme to improve the evaluation of vocational education and training (VET) projects across the Member States. The network has established that evaluators work in isolation and therefore do not contribute to the development of Community practice in this field. The pooling of ideas and outcomes from project evaluations across the ...
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This project is concerned with sustainable development and is targeted at SMEs and local authorities.The partnership is particularly concerned with the environmental aspect of sustainable development. Its aim is to help decision-makers in SMEs and local authorities in decision-making, in their daily work, managing and extending their commitments in the environmental field by teaching them the requ ...
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The project aim is to develop a database which makes it possible to compare and evaluate ICT qualifications in a Europe-wide context.
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The eWork LearNet project will design, develop and introduce a vocational training programme which will allow the acquisition of cross-sectoral skills for distance working (eWork). Activities will include: comparative analysis of the range of certification and accreditation systems in place in the partner countries (considering the fact that the end project results will be submitted for accredit ...
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The project aim is to develop a database which makes it possible to compare and evaluate ICT qualifications in a Europe-wide context.
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It encourages self-reflection on the part of the user of the Europass CV form and thus connects with the self-reflection aids which already exist in various forms and with various emphases within national skill passport schemes.A prototype is being developed which:-can be included in an expanded online help system for the Europass CV and/or made available on national sites;-significantly improves ...
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For the first time, professionals of the construction sector and of VET and HE from 8 European countries analyse together the crafts and trades already or potentially using earth as a building material, with the aim to develop (1) units of learning outcomes and (2) ECVET certification procedures, for EQF levels 3 to 6.This process will result in a synthesis of a huge part of the European building ...
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