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ORIENT (Vocational Orientation Tool) - ORIENT (Outil de Formation professionnelle) - ORIENT (Berufsorientierungsinstrument)

The VDAB, the Flemish employment and vocational training Service, has a vocational orientation tool based on competencies and another one based on interests. An integration of both tests would be a sensible thing to do. The VDAB also considers that both tools can be refined, adding extra elements such as personal features, medical issues, and providing a link to training. The VDAB set up a consortium with the UK (Cascaid), France (INOIP-AFPA) and Belgium (GO!), as these partners have a lot of expertise within the field of vocational orientation tools. CASCAiD, a British non-profit organisation that works under the wings of a university has an own orientation tool based on interests. CASCAiD would like to extend its test with technical competencies. INOIP, the institute for professional orientation, depending on AFPA, developed a tool that links competencies to training programmes, and shows interest in our test based on competencies. Meanwhile they are developing an e-service for competency management in view of vocational mobility. GO! (the Flemish Community Education) invests in the development of a career portfolio and has experience with career guidance and career guidance programs. GO! intends to deliver input with regard to conceptualisation, take part in the experimentation with new programs and spread the results. The main target of their participation is to assure a warm and conscious transition of their pupils from education to the labour market. The specific aim of the project is to develop a technical analysis and a prototype/prototypes for the development of a vocational orientation tool, integrating all elements mentioned above. Within the consortium, all partners will transfer their specific knowlegde mutually as to come to one instrument used by all partners or improve each partner's instrument. The VDAB will use the instrument as its main tool for vocational orientation, with a special link to all training possibilities in Flanders. The foreseen impact is a widely spread use of a tool for study orientation, professional re-orientation and a tool to bring into view one's competencies, within the partners countries and beyond.
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3 Partners Participants