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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The present application is submitted by for the practical learning and training of the specialty of Electricians. The need for the materialization lies in the weakness of the Educational System in Greece, to provide the students with the ability of practical training, simulation to real working conditions in companies relevant to the field of Electrical Engineering. Thus, hopes to participate in the program with 15 to 18 participant students of the Electrical Engineering faculty. The school, through the implementation of the present program, wishes to cover its hitherto weaknesses as far as practical education of its students is concerned. The absence of the professional practice need not become hindrance to the upgrade of the educational quality of the school. The program in question is considered to create various benefits not only for the students, the teacher-escorts, the school but also for the reception partner Ratio Technical Vocational Center. In particular, the students of Electrical Engineering will have the opportunity, through this program, to visit companies and places of interest in Cyprus, studying, this way, their field through another European perspective, they will have the opportunity to interact and cooperate with their schoolmates, to defeat every trace of professional insecurity and nervousness that derives for the lack of practical training or internship. They will also acquire further interesting knowledge on their field and visit several places of interest relevant to their educational field. These visits will not only provide new knowledge but will also develop their environmental consciousness. All of the above mentioned aspects will redound and contribute to the most important part of their professional education, which is a balanced acquisition of theoretical knowledge directly related to practical training, obtaining at the same time certifications that will make them competitive in the demanding job market. The teacher-escorts will form closer bonds with their students by helping them to acquire the further knowledge needed and they will observe themselves new applications, tools, methods and techniques, which they will be able to incorporate later in their teaching, upgrading at the same time the school. In conclusion, this program will offer important short-term and long-term educational advantages to the students and all the partners of this consortium, as it will also propel and promote learning mobility throughout Europe, it will upgrade professional education and will help to the dissemination of the competency, so that all member states of the European Union meet the highest level of expertise.
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