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32 European Projects Found

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...g attitude. We believe that through the arts(We already have vision of organizing a variety numbers of concerts for instance to sing Russian bards poetry of Vysotsky, Okudzhava by vol's and youth from local high schools.We want to promote Great Russian literature-Gogol, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Bulgakov)We strongly believe that we are able to build bridges, and refasinate Polish people of Eastern ...
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We (heart) Europe: Educate, Empower, Reconnect!

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

...ties during the actual ewoca³ phase (2015-2017). 15 trilateral partnerships, including organizations from 17 different countries, will participate. The objectives are qualification and networking of youth workers in an intercultural context. As a long term aim, they shall help to spread and professionalize international youth work. In order to include relevant topics into international youth work, ...
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Oneworld East (EVS)

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

...tics performed, meals shared, and coffee and tea drunk together in communion. The first leg of the project was held in southern Siberia in Russia from 22.02-22.03.2015, where 3 groups composed of youth from Russia and Germany built the basic material structures for the Mobile Cafe in the next leg of the project. These consisted of a Yurte in a light bamboo style, a small log cabin, furniture and o ...
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Bateleurs 2016

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

...ith a population that is infrequently exposed to international activity, we believe that they will contribute a great deal to local development and that they will demonstrate a certain facet of youthfulness, namely that of youthful activity and solidarity.
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Professional Orientation of Vulnerable Young People

Start date: Sep 30, 2015, End date: Sep 29, 2017,

Reducing youth unemployment is a big challenge for all MS in Europe. The improvement of career guidance (of which professional orientation is one part) is a very important task to improve the knowledge, skills and competences, in particular for adult learners in vulnerable situations. In line with the Europe 2020 Strategy and the European Agenda for Adult Learning, the ‘Professional Orientation of ...
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City of Dublin YMCA

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

...person. Our services concentrate on providing opportunities to each individual to grow and develop holistically, body, mind and spirit. The City of Dublin YMCA consists of a gym and fitness classes, youth work programmes, STEP Programme, Transitional housing programme, Private and Community Crèche, Community Employment Scheme and sports grounds. It is a very busy place and has 80 members of staf ...
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Strong citizenship education for strong civil society

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2017,

The project consists of four activities targeting trainers in civic education, youth workers as well as representatives of various sectors of the civil society. Activities complement each other by reaching the multiplicators having impact on the quality of youth work and civic education on various levels:- strengthening the international network of trainers in the field of non-formal citizenship e ...
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Activate the European civic engagement!

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

...engagement!” consists of 4 activities, which will take place in Germany and Moldova. They all aim at providing new impulses and further qualification for the change makers and facilitators in the youth work and in the democratic citizenship education as well as at strengthening capacities of the youth workers and the organisations they work in within and outside Europe.1. European voluntary servic ...
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Educate!Connect!Participate! ewoca³ - A sustainable network in Europe

Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Feb 1, 2017,

...rst four activities during the new exoca³ phase. 15 trilateral partnerships, including organizations from 17 different countries, will participate. The objectives are qualification and networking of youth workers in an intercultural context. As a long term aim, they shall help to spread and professionalize international youth work. The seminars 2015 will focus on the topic “sustainability” and the ...
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Cultural diversity and Interfaith Dialogue in the Youth perspectives

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

The Youth Exchange Cultural diversity and Interfaith Dialogue in the Youth perspectives – CID Project, is a project focused on cultural diversity and intercultural and interreligious dialogue, social inclusion, participation and integration.It will gather young people from Lithuania, Turkey, Armenia, Greece, Azerbaijan and Italy. Each country will be represented by 5 participants and 1 Group Lead ...
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Youth work as a school of democracy - Democracy education revisited

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

.... Democratic institutions certainly form an important base but without the development of corresponding attitudes among the people, they are running the risk to remain an empty shelf.For the field of youth work the question therefore appears to what extend it can contribute to the development of democratic competences among their target group. This is of special importance as adolescence is a phas ...
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Strengthening the ties for democratic citizenship in Europe

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Jun 17, 2016,

The project consist of 5 activities that function complementary and their main goal is to strengthen the capacities of the organisations and youth workers working in the field of non-formal education and activating young people to play an active role in the society. 1. EVS with the partner countries neighbouring the EU This part of the project aims at providing young people from Ukraine and Belar ...
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Betzavta International: Learning the Language of Democracy

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016, think of their role in a group and in the larger society. Although Betzavta is gaining increasing international popularity due to its ability to connect with a wide range of important contemporary youth work topics (e.g. democratic decision making, conflict resolution, multiculturalism), international training offers in the field are still very rare. It was also deliberately chosen to implement ...
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To The Point

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

... organizations who share with us this concern and issue joined in. All our organizations need to have people who are good at communicating the essence of the message in an attractive way. We need our youth workers to develop their pitching skills, focusing on and enhancing the personal/interpersonal communication dimension, at a "human level", outreaching to the minds and hearts of each person ind ...
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Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

Szkolenie "Your Turn! Games in NFL" zostało zaprojektowane dla osób pracujących na co dzień z młodzieżą w wieku 12-16 lat (liderów młodzieżowych, zarządzających projektami), którzy chcieliby skoncentrować się na grach jako narzędziu w edukacji pozaformalnej, a także skutecznym sposobie promowania uczenia się młodzieży. Dzięki szkoleniu mogli oni poznać gry i koncepcję grania samego w sobie jako ce ...
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Lets talk about EVS

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

The training course was for mentors, EVS project worker and coordinators who feel the need to improve their understanding and ability to deal with potential conflict that can arise. The experience of the participants was the starting point of the activities and we explored potential conflict situations through forum theatre, discussions, group work and creative methods. The training was very pract ...
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Social me - let`s be online

Start date: Feb 8, 2015, End date: Jun 8, 2015,

The project: “Social me – lets be online” is a Training Course designed for experienced youth leaders from European countries interested in introducing media as a tool in their organizations and in their work with young people. It encourages cooperation, exchange of experience, skills and good practices between people working with youth and youth organizations. It will last 9 days and will take pl ...
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Looking at the general employment situation of the younger generations reveals a sad truth that youth in our country are greatly stricken with unemployment and their successful integration in the labour market remains a challenge not just for us, but for a vast majority of EU28 and other SEE countries. A significant part of youth remains trapped in temporary, often low-pay jobs from which they fin ...
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Enterprise goes green

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2015,

This is a Training Course, that will be organized by Association for International Mobility, as applicant and a host, held in Berkovitsa - Bulgaria, aimed to gather 36 young people from Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Kosovo*, FYR Macedonia, Turkey, Poland, Hungary and Italy in order to provide in depth tackling of employment, sub-focusing on green jobs and sustainable development and ways & mechanism ...
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Youth Entrepreneurship Empowerment Centres

Start date: Jun 24, 2014, End date: Jan 24, 2015,

Employment, adequate social conditions and well-being are among the greatest concerns for young people. Youth all over Europe is at high risk of social exclusion and poverty, especially during the transition from education to employment. The idea of the training was driven by the fact that young people in general and the ones with fewer opportunities especially often lack necessary competences and ...
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Re-START through Outdoor

Start date: Feb 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2014,

lot above
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...age of 15-25, altogether 31 persons, plus 2 trainers. Participants are coming from Poland, Greece, Italy, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro.The main objective of this project is ensuring youth participation in process of acquiring sustainable development through promotion and valuation of cultural diversity.Besides getting to know material monuments of other countries, young people wi ...
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"IYI-Improvmg the quality of international youth projects" is a training course, which aims to aims to improve quality of the international youth projects by providing to project organisers the skills, knowledge's and tools to manage the process of defining, preparing, implementing and evaluating projects within the Youth in Action Programme. During 9 days, 36 participants coming from 10 EU and SE ...
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Youth Unlimited

Start date: Dec 1, 2010,

Youth Unlimited is a training course which aims to create sustainable ways of youth empowerment through participation and practicing democratic citizenship in youth organizations. During 7 days, 25 youth leaders coming from 17 organizations and 16 EU countries (Poland, Spain, Romania, Latvia.FYR Macedonia, Lithuania .Kosovo, Denmark .Greece, Serbia.Turkey, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Montengro and C ...
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NFE working for you(th)

Start date: Aug 1, 2010,

This 6 days long training course "NFE working for you(th)" is dealing with the topics of Youth (un)employment and non-formal education. This project aims at empowering and encouraging youth organisations to focus their efforts on the urgency of providing necessary competences to young people who were, never employed and to become a space where those who recently lost employment can maintain their ...
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The project involves the planning and delivery of a European seminar for practitioners and academics working in the fields of youth, connecting nature and outdoor education with formal and non-formal education. The seminar aims to consider a diverse range of current European approaches to the understanding of young people's interaction with outdoor education and encourages cross cultural dialogue ...
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The project “Street youth work for Roma Inclusion”, aim is to develop youth workers competence in using street based youth work to improve inclusion and active citizenship of young people from Roma communities.The training course will take place in Kumanovo, Macedonia 10-16 April 2012, and will gather 21 participants from 9 European countries (Macedonia, Germany, Italy, Romania, United Kingdom, Cr ...
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...e contribution of participants in civic engagement issue and to activate participants’ civil society in their own countries at local and regional level. The project will prepare and promote youth citizens’ participation in the democratic process, as well as other social and civic activities within the community.
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The project foresees organising of the training course for Russian-speaking youth workers from Programme and Partner countries (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine) who do not know English language and because of that are not able to participate in European international training courses. The "doors" for personal development and raising awareness in the field of youth non- ...
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