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Get Involved

Start date: Dec 1, 2010,

The main aim of a 10 days training course GET INVOLVED is to provide 24 young workers and leaders an opportunity to improve the skills that are more than necessary for life in 21 st century at the professional level as well as personal level - ability to work in multicultural environment, ability of creative thinking, communication skills in particular and ability to analyze one of the most import ...
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Following our realized Training Course on Human Rights Education in late spring 2010, the Youth Exchange"Small steps, big impact! Youth multipliers for human rights education in action" is designed to apply the gainedknowledge and to share with other young participants the ideas, concepts and strategies of human rightseducation. The project will offer the possibility to young people from programme ...
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Le projet " Quartiers en crise, jeunesses en mouvement " permettra à 64 jeunes en fonction de leurs motivations et capacités de partir dans des projets de 3 semaines à 9 mois chez 22 associations partenaires, dans l'Union Européenne, les pays voisins et le reste du monde.- Ils pourront s'expérimenter ainsi sur des activités sociales, culturelles et d'animation.Destiné à des jeunes habitants de qua ...
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This training course aims to provide youth workers with different tools for empowering young people both in European Union and Neighbouring Partner Regions (SEE, EECA and Mediteranean) in order to take an active role in settling conflicts and tensions between each other on local but also on international level, particularly among young people affected by the frozen conflicts in SEE, EECA and Medit ...
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Use the used, it's still useful

Start date: Jan 1, 2011,

Our projects name is 'USE THE USED, IT'S STILL USEFUL ' and through this project 36 young people from-6 different countries are going to work on creating new creative ways of recycling, rising their sense of respsnsibility about the nature and environment. So they will use many already used stuff and materials that can be used again in order to be more efficient and useful. They will gain new know ...
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In regards to experience of project partners in youth work, we notices in last few years in both EU and SEE that young people can be active and make sustainable changes mainly if they are part of some public institutions or a political party. The problem is that this forms are active citizenship are not interesting for young people and as a result, fewer and fewer people are taking part in electio ...
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Creative Leaders in modern Leadership

Start date: Dec 20, 2010,

This training course is focusing on organizations organizing intercultural youth exchanges from Germany, France, Serbia and Macedonia in which volunteers are playing a vital role in leading and managing projects. It will take place in Sremski Karlovci, Serbia, last for 7 days and involve 25 participants from 4 countries.\Am of this TC is to increase knowledge of youth workers in ("about" and "for" ...
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Project "Facilitation in action" is a 4 month long project with a 8-dav Training Course as its centre activity. The theme of the training course is focusing around the competences of youth workers and youth leaders, within an international youth exchanges as the tool, especially emphasizing and encouraging the cooperation between Southeast European (SEE) and European Union (EU) countries.The main ...
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TC Dialogues for Europe

Start date: Dec 1, 2010,

...vent through training their future project animators, facilitators and group leaders on how to use methods that focus on intercultural learning through dialogue as part of the process of implementing youth exchanges and international events concerning social inclusion. Our objective is to support understanding, raising awareness about the importance of intercultural learning as part of the social ...
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"Youth Centers - uniting young people" ¡s a Training Course for youth workers working/volunteering in youth centers. Its main aim is to increase the capacities of the European youth centers and to make them more prepared to support social inclusion and active participation of young people with fewer opportunities. Thus, the project will explore various aspects of youth work with young people with ...
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A young volunteer from the Youth Association creACTive, Macedonia is going to do a European Voluntary Service in the organization INTER EUROPA in La Rioja, in Spain. She will spend 9 months there, from the 01/01/2011 to the 31/09/2011.The project is focused on promoting intercultural learning , European citizenship, human rights, social integration, solidarity and participation of young people.The ...
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We all are on the way

Start date: Dec 1, 2010, and in society, but do we really know what's behind them? The training course will be mainly based on intercultural learning techniques with the main goal provide the young European workers and youth leaders an opportunity to exchange opinions, share experiences and learn new techniques and methods which the participants can later use for working with youth especially coming from minorities ...
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The Youth Exchange "Carnivai as a Tool for intercultural Learning - Back to Vevcani 2011" wiil connect 50 young people coming from Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Estonia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Hungary and Spain. For all participants coming from different European cultures and countries the YE will be great opportunity to learn and discover cultural heritage not just al ...
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The "2nd International Youth Meeting: European Citizen - Where are you?" will bring together young people and people active in youth work from more than 20 different European countries (EU programme countries and neighbouring partner countries from SEE) in order to offer them a platform to discuss basic issues concerning participation and European citizenship, share experiences and additionally le ...
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...ork together and seek for understanding and effective measures against racism, xenophobia, discrimination and exclusion of migrants and minorities. Therefore this training course will aim to empower youth workers/leaders and volunteers to act as fighters for minority and migrant inclusion on local, national and European level by giving them different tools, methods, skills and knowledge on migrati ...
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Up to a Challenge?

Start date: Aug 1, 2010,

Volunteering service for young people is an efficient means of professional and personal development. Skillful and ethusiasic mentor can give an important contribution to maximize learning benefits. Eight days training course "Up to a Challenge?" is designed for support staff of EVS volunteers and will provide the opportunity to deepen knowledge, skills and competencies relevant in mentoring. Over ...
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Il n y a pas de resumer de projet!
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...the colour of words (anno 2010)" invites 26 young people from 13 till 17 years old from Belgium, Macedonia, Belarus, Iceland and Germany (from East to West Europe!) to participate in an international youth exchange that will take place from 28/07 - 7/08/2010 in Oostende, Belgium.WORD 2.10 the colour of words (anno 2010) is about words, about communication, about expression, about identities, about ...
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The training about EVS issues realised by YC KOSMOS from Kljuc, Bosnia-Herzegowina in the frame of the YOUTH in ACTION programme is focused on the improvment and ensuring quality standards for European Voluntary Service activities in cooperation between programme countries and neighbouring partners countries from South Eastern Europe (SEE) and the development of the cooperation between programme c ...
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Youth for youth

Start date: Dec 15, 2009,

This si the frst stag of a Multi lateral youth exchange involving 9 countries. The countries are a mix of EU programme countries, and S.E.E. Countries. This "leg" iS(ļ9icie/^ļgp:the original ideas generated by the group and to move them on to looking at what active citizenship is and what it means personally to be an active citizen. This stage of the project with encourage théLpatticitiantstølookr ...
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Quality for Quality

Start date: Dec 10, 2009,

"Qualify for Quality" project is setting from the belief that the dynamics and the process of youth groups and young peoples' characteristics represents a base for tensions and conflicts development. In order to assure quality youth educational work, facilitators, leaders, trainers should be equipped with different skills and abilities for detecting and analyzing conflicts in this setting, as well ...
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Enjoy the colours of my society!

Start date: Dec 1, 2009,

...ome theories and lots practices as trainings usual.The themes of the project are cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue, cross cultural communities, minorities.The objectives of the TC:-To enable youth workers and young people for recognising prejudgements, prejudices amongnationalities inside and outside different countries;-To .id.entijy_and define different and similar aspects of different ...
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...roject will start in August 2009, and the activity will be held in November 2009 in Belgrade, Serbia. The objective of the training course will be improving skills and competencies of the volunteers/youth workers/ trainers from EU and neighbouring SEEU and EEC countries for delivering courses and workshops in youth media activism and media literacy.The activities will be based on critical examinat ...
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...VS mentors and coordinators from South-East Europe and Programme countries.The project also aims to provide the participants with knowledge aiļd practical experience regarding the concept of EVS and Youth in Action Programme in general; the intercultural dimension of an EVS project; the process of recognition of non-formal education and Youthpass; as well as to provide a platform for sharing ideas ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2009,

This multilateral youth exchange is designed to directly impact the participants. Objectives focus on improving participants' interdisciplinary knowledge; improving their attitudes towards community involvement or civic efficacy; and increasing their abilities to work in groups, solveproblems, and apply the knowledge they will get during the exchange to real-world problems using learning by doing ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2009,

... meet this challenge through creativeactivities, interactive workshops, field researches, field activities, meetings with local authorities, presentationsand discussions the young participants of the youth exchange "Waste is not rubbish" in Sanica and Kljuc(Bosnia-Herzegovina) from different European countries will argue with ecological themes and develop an ownawareness like the need for recyclin ...
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Comics against violence

Start date: May 1, 2011,

En este proyecto se pretende aunar el tema de violencia de género con el aprendizaje del proceso de creación de cómics, porque creemos que los jóvenes hoy en día se interesan mucho por la cultura de los cómics y están buscando maneras de aprender a desarrollar sus competencias creativas por lo que pueden resultar una forma atractiva para que los jóvenes trabajen y se interesen por la violencia de ...
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Unemployed, but not illiterate!

Start date: Jan 1, 2013,

The training course aims to provide youth workers/youth leaders with competences and new ideas on how to use social software and different media tools for outreaching young unemployed people in order to increase their mobility and active participation in the society through increasing their participation in the Youth in Action Programme.The training is a result of stable and long-lasting partnersh ...
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"Youth for Intergenerational Solidarity" is a project that aims to provide a group of youth/social workers and youth leaders with strategies, tools and methods, in order to increase the active participation of people from all ages, especially through doing intergenerational youth work with young and elderly people. This will be achieved through providing the participants with theoretical knowledge ...
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The PBA “Gathering potentials – Developing sustainable partnerships: Struggling Youth Unemployment in Europe mutually” is aimed to gather youth NGOs from programme countries and neighbouring partner countries from SEEto create stable partnerships for common youth activities in order to promote the personal, social and professional competence of unemployed youth, to share how to stimulate mobility ...
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...e a Human Being, Be Aware of Your Rights” was developed based on the situation of human rights in Europe and the emergency to invest and develop skills in Human Rights Education (especially among youth workers who are dealing with the target group that is at the same time the most sensitive and with the biggest capacity of change among the global population: Youth! UN adopted recently the HRE decl ...
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My Pet

Start date: Aug 2, 2012,

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Power - LILI

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

“Power – LILI: Power of Living Library for fighting poverty and discrimination” is an international training course for youth workers on the topic of unemployment of young people with fewer opportunities. Thus, it fosters the professional development of youth workers working directly with vulnerable groups of young people by increasing their awareness of the challenges and social obstacles those y ...
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...graphy and share their new knowledge through ecological exhibition with local communities of their countries. This project will promote active citizenship of young people and will raise the topic of youth participation. The participants will have a chance to work in intercultural environment. Therefore, they will be able to develop social skills and better understand the cultural differences and ...
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Following the TC on Human Rights Education in late spring 2010 and the Youth Exchange “Small steps, big impact! Youth multipliers for human rights education in action” in summer 2011 the TC “Social exclusion on the edge: Creating and managing local youth work activities for human rights education” is aimed fostering social cohesion in Europe through addressing the issue of social exclusion and enc ...
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Based on the TC “Your chance – be a part of Europe! Non-formal education for local and regional youth engagement” (2010) and the TC “Take a walk on the European Side: Capacity building in non-formal education for local and regional youth engagement” (2011) the current project "Move it, Europe! Strengthening the capacities of Youth Leaders in non-formal education" is aimed to support the participan ...
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Volunteer into work

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

Youth exchange “Volunteer into work” will bring together young people from 6 countries (Poland, Latvia, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia and Azerbaijan ). This youth exchange will last 7 working days, excluding travelling. In total 30 young people and 6 leaders will work together, share experiences and present their cultures. The Youth exchange will gather relevant organizations who are promoting new pa ...
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Youth Creating their world

Start date: Mar 26, 2012,

"Youth creating their world" exchange will consists of eight-day where 25 interested uneployed youth from Serbia, Hungary ,Macedonija, Slovenia and Romania with the aim of exchanging knowledge about traditional hand-craft work from different cultures and new alternative art forms for the development of young people’s skills and knowledge, who are living in both urban and rural areas as way to sel ...
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...Vs project is mainly aimed at providing non-formal education and intercultural learning opportunities to young people from Kavadarci. It is part of a current local project of the hosting organization Youth Association creACTive - which mainly works on promoting creativity and active citizenship of young people.The EVS project will be based in the localyouth club of the organization in Kavadarci, w ...
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