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3D printing technology becomes more and more popular and cheaper. Sale of 3D printing products and services around the world reached 3.7 billion USD in 2015 and it is assumed to be over 6 billion USD after 2019. Usefulness and implementation of 3D printing covers more and more areas, giving new opportunities. Mastering of 3D printing and implementation of this technology became recommended and ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

The proposed work will address the problem of encouraging and nurturing digital take-up amongst older citizens who have not previously had access to digital technology. The target group (over 55 years and not digitally literate) typically consists of individuals who have reached an advanced stage in their lives without learning to use any digital technology. Our approach will use touch-table game ...
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Background Conflicts between humans and brown bear (Ursus arctos) populations in Slovenia remain an ongoing threat to the conservation status of bears and steps must be taken to improve coexistence. Measures need to tackle such challenges as a lack of understanding of bears’ socio-economic and environmental value, inflated estimations of the risk of bea ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2018,

In Italy really recentely a national law is establishing guidelines in order to foster and implement in the educational system institution (Schools) a new figure: the “School Mobility Manger”. Despite a spread interest and numerous practices developed by public and private bodies regarding MOBILITY MANAGEMENT especially in northern Europe and in the main European capitals, The FIGURE of MOBILIT ...
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The integration of people immigrating presents a special challenge; it is a complex and long-term undertaking. Anyone who is in favour of immigration should make an effort to foster the successful integration of immigrants. Those in favour of immigration are persons closely working with migrants, they represent educational sectors: teachers, trainers, educators; or social and care sectors: volunte ...
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In recent years, the importance of high quality in education and care for young children has been increasingly acknowledged and reflected in a high number of European strategies, policies and programmes between the European Commission and the Member States. In 2011, the Council of the EU formally recognizes the central impact of early years service provision for individual, societal, and economic ...
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Managing Money addresses the need to increase the financial capability of adults, including those with low levels of previous learning experience and those at risk in managing their personal finances. Curriculum development will be prefaced by an exploration of current research, resources and initiatives in the public and private sectors. The curriculum will aim to develop adults' financial capabi ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Flipping the classroom in adult education

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

Adult learners differ from younger students in several ways: their time is limited due to other life responsibilities, they have different levels of prior knowledge and some lack ICT skills, some work in shifts and are unable to participate in courses and some have negative experience with prior educational process (drop-outs) and need special attention. For those reasons classic school lectures ...
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Neighbours in Europe

Start date: May 18, 2016, End date: Nov 17, 2017,

This project is an EVS action address to two volunteers, one from Slovenia and one from Croatia for 6 months.This experience will represent an opportunity to work and live abroad, improving foreign languages and soft skills which could develop the youngster at personal level and enrich the professional profile of the volunteer. The volunteer will be involved in the orienteering activities of the o ...
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Measuring Attainment and Progress of Learners in Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

This project builds on the results of the previously successful INGOT, SAFE and GEBOL LDV TOI projects and an extension to the INGOT technologies that produced a spectacular take up of over 60,000 learners, 1000 teachers and 660 secondary schools from a single forum post to a social networking group thus demonstrating a clear demand. It draws on the researched and tested technologies and pedagogic ...
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Velenje; city of youth,culture and education

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Youth center Velenje is organization with long lasting experiences in youth field and with mission of working for and with youth. Through our program units (afternoon center for kids- SMO MC Velenje, Moj klub, regional multimedia center Kunigunda, eMCe plac, Pekarna, House of Bends, Hostel Velenje) we are implementing activities and projects on local and national level.Through Erasmus +/ mobility ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Due to the economic crisis it is often very difficult for young students to find a good internship, and this is even more difficult for vulnerable students. However, internships are essential for all VET-students and the effects of the impossibility to find a good internship are disastrous. If the student fails to find an internship, or doesn't successfully complete it, it not only hinders his VET ...
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Cooperative and Work Integrated Curriculum

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Nowadays Europe face a problem of high unemployment of young people. VET systems where student are more involved in practical training in companies are believed to be more successful when it comes to transition from school to labour market or employment. This project will focus on the implementation and quality of practical training in companies taking into consideration both content and length of ...
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ParaSkills Competition

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Context/background: In this project the partners will develop a new skill competition model for people with disabilities - the ParaSkills Competitions. In the EU 47% of people with disability are employed, and only 28% of people with severe disability are employed. Employees with a labor disability, supported by Sheltered Workshops often have difficulty joining the open labor market due to the eco ...
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eMovA - Virtual Mobility project for Apprenticeship

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Within the Euro Apprenticeship network - European network of more than three hundred organizations in Europe , reflections and experiments are being conducted to improve learning courses of short duration mobility quality and provide a virtual alternative to those who do can not leave. In this sense, virtual mobility , defined as all ICT activities to support, facilitate or carry out experiments o ...
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Mobility Coach

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

“MobiCoach“ aims at enhancing the quality and quantity of mobility of our learners in Europe. We would like to improve the international vocational competence of both – learners (IVT and dual system) and teachers. Due to the installation of so-called “European Classes” in our IT and Design departments we integrate work placements abroad within the curricula of these IVT full time training courses ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Mobi coaching - 15/16

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Mobicoaching is a mobility project designed to a) the implement on-the-job training of students in companies abroad and b) the mobility of professional staff Velenje School Centre for further professional training. The objectives of the mobility project: - the acquisition and improvement of practical professional knowledge and skills, learning about new technologies, better knowledge of foreign la ...
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Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

Youth Council of Velenje (short: MSV) is local association of 13 local youth organizations. From the start (2003) we are looking for establishing an environment that youth in the Municipality of Velenje enable the develop of autonomous, accountable and socially engaged individuals. In this context, the active participation of young people in important decisions and activities on local level is nec ...
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The main objective of the proposed project is to develop a generic UCG-CCS site characterisation workflow, and the accompanying technologies, which would address the dilemma faced by the proponents of reactor zone CO2 storage, and offer technological solutions to source sink mismatch issues that are likely to be faced in many coalfields. This objective will be achieved through integrated research ...
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White Rose

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

White Rose is a youth exchange of three international partners: Slovenia, France and Germany. It will explore a civil initiative of citizens in the political and civic life and pluralism in the mass media as some of the tools of democracy and human rights. German partner operates with two facilities. One of those facilities changed the address to White Rose, which was a civil movement against the ...
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Non formal EVS

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

This main activity of this project is a EVS action address to two volunteer from Germany and Slovenia for 8 months (December 2015 -July 2016). We would like to involve youngster which stop their study at high school, aged between 18 and 20 years old, and without previous international long term experience as they could be easily interact with the peers. EVS experience could enrich their CV and cou ...
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Računalniško opismenjevanje starejših odraslih

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

V konzorcij projekta Računalniško opismenjevanje starejših odraslih je bilo vključenih 14 slovenskih javnih organizacij za izobraževanje odraslih, ki so dolgoročno usmerjene v zagotavljanje podpore odraslim pri osvajanju znanj, spretnosti ter splošnih kompetenc, ki jih posameznik potrebuje za uspešno vključevanje v družbo vključno z razvojem digitalne pismenosti in digitalnih kompetenc. Prihodnj ...
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Since 2012, the Fuel Cell Combined Heat and Power (FC CHP) units have been available for supplying power in residential buildings. The project “enefield” involves ten manufacturers currently installing and testing 1,000 units to advance the technology towards marketability. Die HWK OS arbeitet z. Z. an einer Fortbildungsprüfung nach § 140 zur “Fachkraft für die KWK-Technik”. The Osnabrück Chamber ...
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ECVET Matrika kompetenc pri mobilnosti - 14/16

Start date: Aug 25, 2014, End date: Aug 25, 2016,

...h Europass mobility certificate for the recognition of school obligations in accordance with the ECVET and with requirements of the curricula for each of the participants of mobility in School center Velenje. Learning Agreements will be used for recognition of new acquired competencies, where we will take into account current knowledge and experiences of participants of mobility, that will be comp ...
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You and I in Velenje

Start date: Jul 8, 2015, End date: Jul 7, 2016,

Youth centre Velenje is organization that can provide a variety of options on the field of youth work and mobility of young people. Volunteers can work in the afternoon center, where they can prepare different workshops and can help by creating the yearly plan. They can also work on our dislocated unit Regional Multimedia center Kunigunda, where multimedia equipment is available for the purpose o ...
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Let’s act together in European Young Laboratories

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

The EuYoungLabs project, leaded by the Isernia Municipality (IT), involves 2 other organizations that are the Youth Centre Velenje (SI) and the City of Vodnjan – Dignano (HR). The project, lasting 21 months, comes from the idea that the youngster generation nowdays don't feel represented by the political institutions at local, national or political level. In fact, they don't feel to play an active ...
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Kuharske zgodbe

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

... occupations cook, confectioner, and assistant cook and confectioner. Project will be implemented in the school year 2015/2016, and the mobility will take place in March 2016 in School center Velenje in Slovenia. During the mobility the students will do the practical training in the partner institution and get to know the host country through cultural activities. During the mobility the students w ...
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Erasmus plus - 2 Steps to Take Now

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: May 1, 2016,

Youth exchange named "Second step of Healthy Lifestyle" was about cultural similarities and diversities in Europe and neighboring countries, mostly expressed by dancing. Project took place in Ureki, Georgia. Our help and main partner was organization ICPI from Georgia. First we had APV (27.6.2015-29.6.2015) and duration of exchange was from 24.7.2015-31.7.2015. In order to reach project aims we ha ...
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The project aims on the one hand the development of new biobased materials specially adapted to the development of a wide range of containers or packages (films made by extrusion laminating, trays or lids developed by injection moulding and bottles performed through extrusion blow moulding technologies) and the improvement of thermal, mechanical and barrier properties of these packages through nan ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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From Europe with Love

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

The project “From Europe with Love” took place in Belgium, from the 03/07/2015 until the 11/07/2015. Participating countries were: Czech Republic, Slovenia, Italy, Austria, Spain, Bulgaria, Estonia, Turkey and Belgium. 48 participants + 10 leaders were involved in this project. Youngsters living in more difficult financial/ political – religious situations were involved, allowing them to have a ri ...
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Let's get together in Velenje

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Sep 17, 2015,

Youth centre Velenje is organization that can provide a variety of options on the field of youth work and mobility f young people. Volunteers can work in the afternoon center, where they can prepare different workshops and can help by creating the yearly plan. They can also work on our dislocated unit Multimedia centre Kunigunda, where multimedia equipment is available for the purpose of pursuing ...
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A Novel Decision Support System for Intelligent Maintenance (IMAIN)

Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: Aug 31, 2015,

“iMain” is an European level research project aiming to develop a novel decision support system for predictive maintenance. To that end, a multi-layer solution integrating embedded information devices and artificial intelligence techniques for knowledge extraction and novel reliability & maintainability practices will be developed. The resulting solution will provide extended capabilities compared ...
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Praksa u Velenju

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Jun 15, 2015,

Erasmus + project “Praksa u Velenju“ includes a three-week mobility of ten students of Obrtnička škola Koprivnica who will do their training in Šolski center Velenje in Slovenia accompanied by a teacher. ŠC Velenje and Obrtnička škola Koprivnica have similar educational programmes but training in Velenje is done in highly equipped workshops and on technology unavailable to Croatian students during ...
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Coal mining and utilisation results in release of significant amounts methane and represent an important threat to the fight against climate change. Coal Mine Methane drainage processes can be set up to recover methane from the emissions during coal production. Methane can also be extracted from virgin coal seams trough primary and enhanced coalbed methane recovery. The main objective of the prop ...
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A smart ICT concept will be implemented in existing public buildings in Germany, Italy, Slovenia and Greece in order to reach energy savings in annual and peak consumption up to 35% and to provide social-economic benefits to building users, to building managers, to public authorities and to distributor network operators. The ICT concept proposed with this action will be based on the off-the-shelf ...
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ENergy Efficient Process pLAnning system (ENEPLAN)

Start date: Oct 17, 2011, End date: Oct 16, 2014,

Today’s manufacturing plants provide a number of different processing possibilities for manufacturing a specific product. Each one of these processing possibilities poses different advantages and limitations that are function of both geometry and lot size of the part to be manufactured. However, one of the main driving forces in today’s production is the environmental friendliness and the energy e ...
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With every breath we take risk of inhaling some very dangerous substances is unavoidable. Impacts of this can significantly influence our health and therefore it is not surprising that air pollution has become one of the most important issues we face today. World Health Organisation has identified that air pollution is a major problem, particularly in Central and Eastern parts of Europe. Air pollu ...
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