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Mobi coaching - 15/16
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Mobicoaching is a mobility project designed to a) the implement on-the-job training of students in companies abroad and b) the mobility of professional staff Velenje School Centre for further professional training. The objectives of the mobility project: - the acquisition and improvement of practical professional knowledge and skills, learning about new technologies, better knowledge of foreign languages, improving intercultural competence and comprehensive personal growth. The number and profile of participants: - 33 students ŠC Velenje in 3rd and 4th year of VET programs; - 5 teachers in the role of accompanying persons; - 6 teachers who will go on further professional training abroad. Description of activities: - Cooperation with partners, preparation of content, selection of participants, preparation of learning objectives and learning agreements, evaluation after the completion of mobility, preparation of reports. The methodology of the project: - the organization of the project team, which will consist of a project coordinator, the school headmaster, organizer of practical training and teachers , - planning in the context of the annual work plan of the school and within the context of the planned school activities (open curriculum, hands-on training with work), preparation of contracts for the participants of mobility, - implementation of the mobility (publication of the tender, the selection of participants, cooperation with partners, selection of participants, preparation of content, organization and implementation of mobility, evaluation and recognition of mobility) - regular monitoring of project by the project coordinator and the school headmaster. - management of the relevant project documentation. - Description of the expected results: - use of Europass documents, - designed Learning Agreements for participants mobility - implementation of 35 mobility of students and execution of 6 mobility of professionals, - introduction of ECVET and evaluation - a higher proportion of participants of mobility on School center Velenje in comparison with the previous school years. Long-term effects of mobility project: - improved method of recognition of acquired professional competences and learning obligations School center Velenje, - prepared students on on-the-job training, - use of ECVET tools in school practice, - increased motivation of students to attend school, - comission of new laboratory for 3-D modeling and automated processes, - better trained teachers, - more satisfied employees.

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