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25 European Projects Found

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Learning Intercultural Storytelling

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2018,

Disadvantaged groups like refugees or people with migration background have fewer opportunities to articulate themselves and have only little chance in being heard or listened in the new society where they live. Nowadays, integration of this group in the hosting communities is a continuous growing issue whichis receiving the specific attention for involving refugees in every aspect.The general aim ...
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Emotional Education for Early School Leaving Prevention

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

EUMOSCHOOL strongly relates to ET 2020 key benchmarks for education which includes the headline target to reduce the rate of early school leaving (ESL) to less than 10% by 2020. Council Recommendation on policies to reduce ESL (June 2011) + Country specific recommendations identify ESL as policy priority area for specific Member States + the urgency to take immediate action. ESL is closely intertw ...
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CARMA, RMA and other non-formal learning methods for Student Motivation

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

The CARMA project introduces non-formal learning methods as a collaborative learning strategy to innovate school culture and transform classroom practices. The Reciprocal Maieutic Approach (RMA) will be used as an inclusive assessment tool for increasing teachers’ skills. The results achieved by the partnership will be applied for pushing policies towards the inclusion of disadvantaged learners an ...
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WeAllCount Europe

Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

In the last years there has been a trend towards more transparent administrations. Some countries have issued new transparency regulations or reinforced their old ones. And many civil organizations launched digital platforms to watch their parliament or city hall activities. But these measures didn't have the expected positive results when it comes to young people feeling involved in the decision ...
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Community Counteracting radicalisation

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

The overall aim of the project is to contribute to improving the prevention efforts against militant islamist radicalisation and extremism among young Muslims. Furthermore, the overall aim is to strengthen young Muslims active citizenship and to build a sustainable bridge between local Muslim communities and prevention professionals in order to improve collaboration, cohesion and efficiency in the ...
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Casebook for Career Guidance Practitioners working with migrants

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

According to Eurostat (2012) there are nearly 4 million people migrating every year in the EU. About 2 million of these come from outside the EU and 1,5 million are EU citizens migrating in a different Member state. Accounting for both, migrants (people who are not citizens of the country in which they reside) amount to 29 million, representing 5.8 % of the total EU population. Career counsellors ...
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Youth for Tyrol

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Our institution " Multicultural Association " was founded in 1993 in Innsbruck, by and for immigrants. Since then, many programs and projects were realized. The main objective of the association is to promote multicultural professional, cultural and social inclusion of migrants. The Multicultural Association regularly offers the following education courses at : Migration Academy ( language and co ...
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Experiential Learning with EVS-1

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

The aim of the project is to carry the works which are conducted in the body of Malkara Municipality into the international platform with EVS and to provide them with European interaction so as to support the local people especially needy children, women, youth who are culturally and economically deficient and to increase the possibility of them to take part in social life. It is aimed to increase ...
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Multilingual Orientation through Voluntary Exchange’

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

For 17 years, Foundation 21st Century has gained extensive experience in the creation and implementation of projects in the field of education, youth training, culture and civil society development, as most of the projects were achieved with volunteer labor. The Foundation initiates the MOVE project in order to encourage the learning of foreign languages in Bulgaria, since according to Eurostat da ...
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Dream Of Volunteers IV

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

Within in the scope of The project of 'Dream of the Volunteers IV' beneficial opportunity of EVS will be created for young people who has a different background and coming different country. In this project the volunteer will develop own sense of responsibility by getting involved in these activities that will be given by host organization, however the volunteer will have a good time with these ac ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The Motive project aims at boosting skills and employability through the development of an informal learning and validation methodology which supports adult learners and community development. This will be piloted in 5 different countries with 5 groups of marginalised learners. Motive provides a flexible pathway for adult learning including validation of prior learning. The project will develop th ...
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Aim of ´Join In a Job!´ is to transfer and adopt cross cultural clearing and counselling instruments in order to facilitate new and qualified qualifications for migrants in Europe by the means of clarification of barriers for the (re)integration of juvenile migrants (especially young women)in the labour market and by the means of identification and validation of competences (especially those acqui ...
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In the context of the ageing European populat° (23% of the EU27 pop are actually 60+ -EUROPOP2008) & massive feminine migration flows (50% of migrants in Europe are women -UN trends in total migrant stock - 2005), native senior and immigrants adult women suffer from multiple discrimination + absence of recognition & improvement of their skills & knowledge. Both have a vital social role in maintain ...
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Module for multi-lingual occupational training in the EU : Bila-Train offers modules in bi- and multi-lingual occupational training in Europe. The target group includes immigrants and internationally mobile employees in the European Union. The aim is the analysis and further development of already existing models of bilingual occupational (basic) training in Europe, especially Germany, Austria, G ...
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Bila-Train in Practice developed, tested and evaluated in AR, DE, GR, RO and TR bilingual programmes for primary vocational training in the fields of legal assistance professional, insurance brokerage and automobile mechanics. Target group are young adults with bilingual background, especially migrants and young people in border areas. All products and curricula, training modules etc. developed du ...
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Bila-Learn focused upon language acquisition for adult learners making specific use of new technologies and mobile communication devices as learning tools. Particularly targeting EU citizens who regularly communicate in two or more languages, either due to being based in a cross-border location or as a result of past migration, partners developed and piloted a series of new language development mo ...
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The ENTER project aimed at introducing disadvantaged and often education-shy migrants and members of ethnic minority groups, aged over 40, to Lifelong Learning. A range of learning modules were selected and tested, during the project lifetime, covering a range of topics including arts and personality training, health and fitness and ICT, with the overall aim being to develop transnational curricul ...
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Der Weg zu Beruf und Bildung

Start date: Oct 1, 2010,

Migranten- und Minderheitenjugendliche mit niedrigem Bildungsniveau stellen in vielen europäischen Ländern eine Risikogruppe bezüglich einer erfolgreichen Bildungs- und Berufskarriere dar. Unterschiedliche Faktoren, die kulturelle, soziale, teilweise religiöse und strukturelle Hintergründe haben, machen Minderheiten-jugendliche zu einer benachteiligten Zielgruppe, denen Grundkompetenzen fehlen, u ...
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TACTICS - Lifelong Games

Start date: Oct 1, 2011,

Due to the demographic change today 40 percent of all European citizens are 55 years of age and older. In 2020, about 60 percent of all citizens will be 55 years and older. Thanks to medical progress, most seniors enjoy a longer, healthy and active life. But a considerable share of this age group is faced with handicaps. Most of them are cared for at home – looked after by laymen (family members, ...
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Kids2Write entwickelt und erprobt pädagogische Werkzeugkoffer zur Förderung der schriftlichen und sprachlichen Ausdrucksfähigkeit von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit mehrsprachigem Hintergrund in Europa. Zielgruppen sind Kinder im Alter von 6 bis 10 sowie Jugendliche im Alter von 14 bis 17 Jahren. Zu den Werkzeugkoffern gehören Lernmittel mit kindgerechten Spielen für die Phase des Schriftspracherwe ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2011,

Speakeasy plans to address some of the challenges regarding the implementation and delivery of foreign language courses for migrants. The key focus of this project is to develop stimulating interactive speaking strategies so that learners will be motivated to attend a language course that more effectively assists them in being able to cope confidently with various real life situations and manage l ...
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Unemployment in Europe has grown, reaching 25 million people in May 2012. Long-term unemployment is a big problem and the risk of becoming long-term unemployed for older workers is very high. At the same time Member States are taking measures to reduce early exit from the labour market. In short adult people (50+):• Are becoming a larger part of the working force;• Need to work until later age;• I ...
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Job Club +

Start date: Nov 1, 2013,

The project aims at developing, testing and disseminating at European level an effective and sustainable methodology to increase the employability of Low-skilled Long-term unemployed people (LTU) by providing key-training and guidance. The major aim of increasing the employability of those people encompasses the objectives of upskilling, educating and empowering them via a range of complementary a ...
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In Europe, the access to social and health services began to be considered a primary indicator of the level of migrant integration. However, there is a persistent difficulty in the access and use of health services by citizen with a migrant background, especially regarding preventive medicine and health care. All this poses new challenges for professionals, management and quality assurance in hea ...
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KAZI means ‘work’ in Swahili, a language spoken by 80 millions people in sub-Saharan Africa and by many migrants to Europe. According to Eurostat (2012) there are nearly 4 million people migrating every year in the EU. The Europe 2020 Strategy (2010) and the Stockholm Programme (2010) set out the effective integration of legal migrants. The European Agenda for the Integration of Third-Country Na ...
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