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Training to Train - Intergenerational Transfer of Knowledge on the workplace
Start date: Oct 1, 2013,

Unemployment in Europe has grown, reaching 25 million people in May 2012. Long-term unemployment is a big problem and the risk of becoming long-term unemployed for older workers is very high. At the same time Member States are taking measures to reduce early exit from the labour market. In short adult people (50+):• Are becoming a larger part of the working force;• Need to work until later age;• It becomes increasingly more difficult for them to find jobs.People aged 50+ have knowledge, skills and experience, which cannot be taught in school and which they have acquired in more than 30 years of work experience. This we have identified as one important but underutilized asset. Usually they lack the key competence to transfer their experiences to the next generation, so that they can accept their advice. Acquiring train-the-trainer skills will give these people an additional merit in the eyes of their employers by allowing them to be successful on-the-job trainers and mentors. The partners are going to develop an innovative train-the-trainer course for people of age 50+, providing them with skills for intergenerational, on-the-job transfer of knowledge. The training will be piloted and tested and some of the trainees are going implement on-the-job training programmes in the organizations that they work for, with the mentoring and coaching help of the partners.The partners are going to use the results of pilot trainings and their evaluation in order to develop good practices case-studies to be able to promote the idea of more structured intergenerational learning at the workplace.Thus the project will improve the training skills of the employees 50+ and will help convince the employers of the value of their experienced staff. They will be able to transfer to the young employees in their companies a set of skills specific for the company processes and culture and will add value both to the company’s future development and to the job integration of younger people
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4 Partners Participants