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25 European Projects Found

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Low Emissions Core-Engine Technologies (LEMCOTEC)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

The main objective of the LEMCOTEC project will be the improvement of core-engine thermal efficiency by increasing the overall pressure ratio (OPR) to up to 70 leading to a further reduction of CO2. Since NOx increases with OPR, combustion technologies have to be further developed, at the same time, to at least compensate for this effect. The project will attain and exceed the ACARE targets for 20 ...
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Engine Breakthrough Components and Subsystems (E-BREAK)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

Future aero engines will need to be more efficient and contribute to the reduction on environmental impact of air transportation. They must reach some standards of performance by reducing emissions and creating some savings on operation costs.EIMG consortium has launched since several years some initiatives to develop future engines in the frame of the European Committee research programmes.Within ...
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Full Aero-thermal Combustor-Turbine interactiOn Research (FACTOR)

Start date: Dec 1, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

To achieve lower Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) and CO2/NOx emissions, modern turbomachineries operate at high velocities and high temperature conditions. The lack of confidence in the prediction of combustor-turbine interactions leads to apply extra safety margins on components design. Therefore, the understanding of combustor-turbine flow field interactions is mandatory to preserve High Pressur ...
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The overall aim of the project is widening and strengthening the existing contacts, developing a sustainable model of cross-border co-operation between Polish and Ukrainian universitiesToday, Polish and Ukrainian universities face difficulties in conducting joint research work due to insufficient scientific contacts and limited financing. Students minimally participate in exchange programs. Financ ...
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Overall objective of the project is to improve institutional capacity for cooperation between Polish universities and the Ukrainian research institutes and universities from the cross-border areas.Implementation of the project will facilitate the conduct of research by using archival collections. This will allow researchers to strengthen existing contacts and establish new contacts among the parti ...
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A number of central European regions, especially those located on the periphery of the cooperation area, are challenged by the outbound migration of well-educated young women. This results in severe sex-ratio imbalances among the working-age population of these regions and a lack of highly skilled labour. Whereas the first endangers social cohesion on territorial level, the second one negatively i ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

...the forefront of screen tourism and 3 less-advanced regions (Rzeszow, Bucharest & Maribor). It will be deliveredfrom 2012-14 by lead partner Film London with Ystad City Council & Lund University (Sweden), ProMalaga (Spain), Apulia Film Commission(Italy), Fondazzjoni Temi Zammit(Malta), Bucharest Regional DA*(Romania), Maribor DA*(Slovenia) & Rzeszow Regional DA(Poland). * Development Agency. Colle ...
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Innovative Manufacturing of complex Ti sheet components (INMA)

Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Jun 30, 2014,

"The INMA project aims at developing an intelligent knowledge-based (KB) flexible manufacturing technology for titanium shaping that will lead to drastically reduce current aircraft development costs incurred by the fabrication of complex titanium sheet components with a minimal environmental impact. In particular, this project aims at strengthening European aircraft industry competitiveness, by t ...
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The Alpine and the Carpathian Conventions state sustainable tourism mobility as a challenge and call for cooperation on this topic among the countries of these mountain regions. In particular sustainable tourist mobility is not well-developed in mountainous regions, especially in South-East Europe, as mountain regions are lacking sufficient sustainable transport facilities and facing major ecologi ...
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Innovation is a crucial driving force for economic growth, relevant to every economic sector. Europe needs to improve its performance in innovation to sustain a high and rising standard of living. The key building stones of the European economic edifice are Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), reinforcing their innovation capacity is thus crucial to guarantee competitiveness and sustainable growth ...
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The Northern Adriatic region, going clockwise from Rijeka/Koper to the Emilia Romagna region coast represents the Southern terminal of the Adriatic Baltic transport corridor. The relevance of this corridor increased in the last years because of the economic growth of the Central European regions and with this connected continuous increase in transport demand. However the transport supply has been ...
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Science and expirience for business (IPBU.01.01.00-18-151/10)

Start date: Feb 29, 2012, End date: Aug 30, 2013,

Differing level of economic transformations in Poland Belarus and Ukraine define varying economic potential of these countries. The regions ultimately need support and tighter cooperation to carry out innovative solutions to facilitate promotion of the region, establish tighter cooperation among the SME sector entrepreneurs, foster promotion, etc.The main goal of the project is improving condition ...
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Accessibility is an essential factor for improving competiveness and a necessary precondition for enonomic development and growth. Free movement of people, goods and information increases efficiency and improves the development prospects for the regions. However, compared to Western Europe the majority of Central Europe suffers from significant accessibility deficits. This accessibility gap is ref ...
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Advanced flexible automation cell (FLEXA)

Start date: Jun 1, 2008, End date: Nov 30, 2012,

"Truly flexible automation of -low volume, -high value per part components, -managing quality assurance aspect throughout the value chain is a key research area for the manufacturing and production community in Europe. The FLEXA project has identified key elements for delivering advancement in this area. The key areas of research will be; cell design solutions in line with product design decisions ...
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Engine LUBrication SYStem technologies (ELUBSYS)

Start date: Jun 1, 2009, End date: Nov 30, 2012,

"In aeronautics, gas turbine engines are equipped with lubrication systems whose function is to cool and lubricate the highly loaded rolling bearings and gearboxes. Current lubrication systems are based on architectures and technologies that have not much evolved for the last 30 years and that, despite advances made on components, have reached their technological limit. Future aero-engine requirem ...
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European Development Corridor III "Via Regia" (ED-C III)

Start date: Apr 30, 2006, End date: Aug 30, 2008,

Over centuries the "Via Regia" had been one of the most important trading routes in Europe, connecting the East and West of the continent. Due to the political situation after World War II, it almost completely lost this function. Some years ago, with the fall of the Iron Curtain, new opportunities emerged for a development axis contributing to European integration and improved relations to neighb ...
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The 3xC created a learning environment applying the tandem learning like concepts in the context of a program aimed at development of skills and competencies of SME employees in the field of transnational cooperation.
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The tourism sector is dominated by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) whose potentials have to be strengthened in order to increase employment opportunities in the sector. Therefore the goal of the project was to develop of competences of employees and entrepreneurs in the tourism industry. A key to these goals lies within the strengthening of operational capabilities of the actors through ...
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SMEs are an important economic factor for the EU. According to the European commission of Interprise and Industry 99% of all European businesses are having 250 or less employees and fall therefore in the category "SME". Therefore it is important to strenghten SMEs in their performance. One way of doing so is by encouraging employees of all age groups in life long learning. This is true for the wel ...
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Le transfert de la méthode KSM, testée pendant un an avec l’école d’infirmières de blocs d'un CHU apporte des éléments de réponse et des outils pédagogiques adaptés aux blocs et aux responsables des écoles. Les associations européennes participent activement au projet et à son exploitation .KSM complète activement les efforts des autorités sanitaires nationales et européennes.En résumé, avec l ...
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Making the best use of a valuable resource : The project has developed tools which will enable the over 50s to maximize their skills and experience and thus make them more employable. The project comes as a response to EU anti-age discrimination legislation. This project started in 2002 and lasted 24 months.
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Coping with heterogeneity and motivation of all students independent from theircapabilities, is one of the great challenges in primary school, especially for teaching andlearning mathematics. The project looks for opportunities for a “natural differentiation”.For the learners, it should contribute to a deeper mathematical understanding as well asto the development of general learning strategies th ...
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The EUGENE Network aims at improving the impact of European Engineering Education (EE) on competitiveness, innovation andsocio-economic growth in a global context. This goal will be achieved by setting–up and a top-level “discussion & action” forum tomonitor and support the continuous evolution of EE in the EHEA and to open its competition and cooperation borders beyondEurope. Indeed, although Eur ...
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Lean Learning Academies

Start date: Oct 1, 2009,

Reason for the project:The right way for our companies to survive today’s economical crisis is to focus on production efficiency and cost reduction. This is what lean manufacturing accomplishes. The maximum benefit from lean manufacturing is gained by considering all its elements (principles, tools, mindset) together as a system and by practicing them every day in a very consistent manner.That’s w ...
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In Europe during the last decade that interest on business themes on educational aspect (business management, business administration) are increasing, the events that invite youth to meet successful businessmen and talk about business success stories are well known and easy available for everybody. However there are much more difficult to develop entrepreneurship skills- often young people a ...
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