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Mokymai kursai "Sherlock Holmes start buisiness"
Start date: May 1, 2011,

In Europe during the last decade that interest on business themes on educational aspect (business management, business administration) are increasing, the events that invite youth to meet successful businessmen and talk about business success stories are well known and easy available for everybody. However there are much more difficult to develop entrepreneurship skills- often young people agree that instead of knowing about business they want to experience in running business companies, work like real project managers, take desicions and see the results. Unfortunately, in real life we face many obstacles using such methods for entrepreneurship skill development . Methods as business simulations are quite expensive or they require high qualifications of experts to prepare good scenario and economical matrix. Often business simulation games and business cases seemed to be learning tools for large companies but not young people especially from NGO sector. This situation inspired project partners to initiate training course that will help to share experience on entrepreneurship learning tools - what they are and how to use them. The project initiators selected the title "Sherlock Holmes start business" to underline the attentive and proffesional approach to business - as basis of entrepreneurship. Well known fictionous detective is famous for his logical reasoning, his ability to take almost any complex case such as project partners with the same skills aim to solve all challenges related to entrepreneurship. The project coordinator in collaboration with youth organisation leaders from Estonia, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany and field experts (Lithuanian business companies that were involved in other entrepreneurship projects and believe in the educational aspects of this topic) will help to raise awareness of business simulations and case studies, help to teach leaders to moderate them. Participants with field experts from 5 different countries will take part in special prepared work shop, will make special session on analysing entrepreneurship methods used in their countries, will try to go through case study, will take part in two business simulations "Fair life" and "PROFAT Choco sim", will organise special event with drama improvisation tools "Sherlock Holmes starts business". After course will be prepared methodological guide for moderators aiming to help moderators to teach using business simulations for work with youth. During the course their will be invited minimum five young people facing economical problems.

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  •   13 127,31
  • Youth\Youth in action (2007-2013)\Youth Support Systems\Training and networking of those active in youth work and youth organisations
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

4 Partners Participants